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MCD bibliotek

wdt_ID title language author(s) pages year publisher edition comment Magicpedia Title MB Link Category magicref link Magicpedia Author Photo
1 Behind the Scenes With The Mediums English Abbott, David Phelps (1863 - 1934) 336 1907 Open Court Publishing Company 2nd edition (1908 MENTALISM and BIZARRE MAGICK
2 Behind the Scenes With The Mediums English Abbott, David Phelps (1863 - 1934) 340 1907 Open Court Publishing Company 5th revised edition (1926) MENTALISM and BIZARRE MAGICK
3 A lifetime in magic English Abbott, Percy (1886-1960) 132 1960
4 Easy-to-do Entertainments and Diversions with coins, cards, string, paper and matches (1933) English Abraham, R. M. 186 1961 Dover Publications, Inc.
5 The Joey Adams Joke Dictionary English Adams, Joey 343 1961 The Citadel Press 2nd printing (1962)
6 Die Kunst zu Zaubern German Adrion, Alexander 284 1978 DuMont Buchverlag
7 Zauberei Zauberei German Adrion, Alexander 168 1968 Walter-Verlag Includes text by: Böll, Heinrich
8 Vi tryller med Alakazam Danish Alakazam, Henri 28 1974 Lademann
9 Novel concepts with cards English Aldini (Alex Weiner 1917-1989) 46 1970 Micky Hades 1st edition
10 Den store Troldmand eller Taskenspillerens Triumf Danish Alexander, N. 56 1883 Jul. Strandbergs Forlag
11 Magic Digest - Fun Magic for Everyone English Anderson, George B. (c1909-1985) 288 1972 Digest Books Softbound
12 Karten-Magie German Andra, Rolf 67 1956 Joe Wildon CARDS
13 Magic Squares and Cubes English Andrew, W. S. 419 1960 Dover Publications, Inc. 2nd edition
14 Goodnight Mr. Dante English Andrews, Val (b.1926) 111 1978 Goodliffe UK HISTORY AND THEORY
15 Murray English Andrews, Val (b.1926) 88 1974 Goodliffe UK
16 Andrus Deals You In English Andrus, Jerry 191 1956 Star Magic Co. Signeret af forfatteren CARDS
17 Kurius Kards English Andrus, Jerry 53 1973 J A Enterprises CARDS
18 Annemann's Miracles of Card Magic English Annemann, John Theodore (1907-1942) 109 1979 Tannen Publications
19 Annemann´s Mental Bargain Effects (1935) Annemann´s Mental Mysteries (1944) Annemann´s Complete One Man Mental and Psychic Routine (1935) En Rapport (1937) The Incorporated Strange Secrets (1939) Sh-h-h-h--! It's a Secret (1934) Card Miracles (1944) Full English Annemann, John Theodore (1907-1942) 0 0 Div. Div. Div.
20 Annemann´s Practical Mental Effects English Annemann, John Theodore (1907-1942) 341 1944 Holden's Magic Shops 2nd printing (1946) MENTALISM and BIZARRE MAGICK
21 Annemann´s Practical Mental Effects English Annemann, John Theodore (1907-1942) 310 1944 Louis Tannen's Magic Shop 1963 MENTALISM and BIZARRE MAGICK
22 The Book without a Name English Annemann, John Theodore (1907-1942) 62 1931 Max Holden 1st edition MENTALISM and BIZARRE MAGICK
23 Arrowsmith's Assorted Mysteries English Arrowsmith, George Ernest (1887-1978) 43 The Supreme Magic Co.
24 Oriental Conjuring and Magic English Ayling, Will 384 1981 The Supreme Magic Co. From an index by S. H. Sharpe
25 Magischer Zeitvertrieb German Backhaus, Willy 186 1908 Verlag Kosmos
26 One man show English Bagley, WM. A. 96 1945 Vawser & Wiles
27 One man show English Bagley, WM. A. 96 1945 Vawser & Wiles
28 Novel mysteries 1-6 English Bagshawe, Edward (1902-1940) 236 Davenport & Co UK
29 Twenty Magical Novelties English Bagshawe, Edward (1902-1940) 80 1930 Edward Bagshawe & Co.
30 Idé Boken - Penger å tjene Norwegian Bai, Kurt 76 1967 A/S Kurt Bai Forlag 2nd printing
31 Kurt Bai's hjemme studie kurs i Trylleri og Magisk Kunst, leksjon 1-12 Norwegian Bai, Kurt
32 Spå i Kort Danish Bak, Jette 69 1985 Nordiske Landes Bogforlag
33 Al Baker´s Pet Secrets English Baker, Al (1874-1951) 111 1951 George Stark 1st limited edition 391/500 Inscribed by Baker GENERAL MAGIC
34 Al Baker´s Pet Secrets English Baker, Al (1874-1951) 111 1951 Carl W. Jones 2nd edition (1951) GENERAL MAGIC
35 Magical Ways and Means English Baker, Al (1874-1951) 135 1941 Carl W. Jones 2nd edition (1946) GENERAL MAGIC
36 Mental Magic English Baker, Al (1874-1951) 116 1949 Carl W. Jones 1st edition MENTALISM and BIZARRE MAGICK
37 Mental Magic English Baker, Al (1874-1951) 116 1949 Carl W. Jones 3rd edition MENTALISM and BIZARRE MAGICK
38 Okito on magic English Bamberg, Theodore 216 1952 Edward O. Drane & Co. Magic, Inc. (1973)
39 Six Impossible Things English Bannon john 64 2009 Bannon
40 Bennett's Best English Bennett, Horace 115 1975 Jerry Mentzer
41 Familiar Themes (More Alternate Handlings) English Bennett, Horace 111 1984 Magic Methods
42 On Your Feet English Bennett, Horace 84 1978 Jerry Mentzer
43 Willard the Wizard English Bergeron, Bev 154 1978 Lake Cane Publications
44 A new Book of Patience Games English Bergholt, Ernest 119 1914 George Routledge and Sons 7th impression
45 Magiska Boken Swedish Bergöö, Bengt (b.1927) 112 1954 Birgins Förlag SWE
46 44 trylletricks Danish Berthelsen, Herman 96 1977 Aschehoug Dansk Forlag Dansk udgave (1985) På dansk ved Paul Arland
47 Skjeggete damer og siamesiske tvillinger - Fra Tivoli til "Big Brother" Swedish Berthelsen, Herman 176 2002 J. W. Cappelens Forlag
48 A Pictorial History of Magic and the Supernatural (1964) English Bessy, Maurice 317 1963 Spring Books Original title Historie en 1000 images de la magie (1961)
49 I Skyggernes Verden Danish Bessy, Maurice 317 1967 Forlaget Skrifola Original title Historie en 1000 images de la magie (1961)
50 Handlexikon der magischen Künste German Biedermann, Hans 432 1968 Akademische Druck
51 Hypnosebogen Danish Birns, H. D. 191 1973 SV Press A/S
52 Laughter All the Way English Bishop, Ron 130 1968 Goodliffe Publications
53 Stjernen og adnre spådomskunster Danish Biurström, S. 120 1972 Winthers Mini Bøger
54 Det Okkulter Problem Danish Björkhem, John 214 1953 J. Frimodts Forlag
55 Levante - His Life, No Illusion English Blackmore, Kent (b.1961) 239 1997 Mike Caveny´s Magic Words 1st limited edition 651/1000 GREAT ILLUSIONS
56 Modern card tricks and secrets of magic English Blackstone, Harry (1885-1965) 301 1941 Garden City CARDS
57 Tricks anyone can do English Blackstone, Harry (1885-1965) 233 1948 Permabooks
58 Commercial Card Magic English Blake, George 50 1969 Author
59 Major Magic English Blake, George 55 1968 Author
60 Master Magic English Blake, George 41 1975 Micky Hades reprint (1961)
61 Take a Note English Blake, George 53 1975 Micky Hades International
62 Bob Blau's World of Magic English Blau, Bob 53
63 Impromptu Conjuring English Blyth, William 122 1924 C. Arthur Pearson
64 Modern Coin Magic English Bobo, J. B. (1910-1996) 358 1952 Carl W. Jones 1st edition COINS
65 Modern Coin Magic English Bobo, J. B. (1910-1996) 358 1952 Carl W. Jones 1st edition COINS
66 Watch This One! English Bobo, J. B. (1910-1996) 124 1947 Lloyd E. Jones COINS
67 Kemiska trollkonster och andre eksperimenter Danish Bolin, Iwan 133 1955 Torkild Beck
68 Kemiska trollkonster och annat tidsfordriv Swedish Bolin, Iwan 171 1930 Tidens Förlag
69 Real Magic English Bonewits, Philip Emmons Isaac 236 1972 Sphere Books Pub. (1974) Part of: The Dennis Wheatley Library of the Occult
70 Conjurians´ discoveries English Booth, John Williams Nicholls (b.1912) 257 1992 Ridgeway Press 1st edition
71 Marvels of Mystery English Booth, John Williams Nicholls (b.1912) 146 1941 Kanter´s Magic Shop 3rd edition (1946) GENERAL MAGIC
72 Super Magical Miracles English Booth, John Williams Nicholls (b.1912) 63 1930 Edward Bagshawe UK GENERAL MAGIC
73 Wiener Magisches Skriptum German Borose, Hans 181 1950
74 Zaubern ein Riesenspaß German Bosch, Carlos 60 1983 Kibu-Verlag
75 Jozo Bozo on Birthday Parties English Bozo, Jozo (Alajbeg, Josip) 92 Author
76 The Piddingtons English Braddon, Russel 238 1950 Werner Laurie
77 Keith Clark's Original Nite Club Act English Braun, John (1896-1988) 50 1944 Silk King Studios
78 Hypnose og Suggestion Danish Brink, Louis 47 1929 Emil Brönniches Forlag
79 Den hvide Fakirs moderne Tryllebog Danish Brinkfort, Louis 73 1932 Axel Andersens Forlag
80 Den hvide Fakirs moderne Tryllebog Danish Brinkfort, Louis 73 1932 Axel Andersens Forlag
81 Den hvide Fakirs moderne Tryllebog Danish Brinkfort, Louis 103 1944 China- & Japan-Huset
82 Hverdags Mystik Danish Brinkfort, Louis 96 1943 Axel Andersens Forlag
83 Hypnosen i menneskets tjeneste Danish Brinkfort, Louis 45 1951 Axel Andersens Forlag
84 Suggestion - Hypnose Psykisk Paavirkning Danish Brinkfort, Louis 84 1944 Emil Brönniches Forlag
85 Viljens Vej Danish Brinkfort, Louis 92 1944 Axel Andersens Forlag
86 Zodiaken ; Din fødselsdag - din skæbne Danish Brinkfort, Louis 32 1947 Emil Brönniches Forlag Signeret af forfatteren
87 Trivsamma tidsfördriv Swedish Broberg, Albert 93 1950 AB Lindqvists Förlag
88 Coin Games and Puzzles English Brooke, Maxey 94 1973 Dover Publications Først udgave publiceret i 1963 v. Charles Scribner's Sons under navnet Fun For the Money
89 Tricks, Games and Puzzles wit Matches English Brooke, Maxey 59 1973 Dover Publications
90 Illusions Numre Danish Brønniche, Emil 16 1945 Emil Brønniche's Forlag
91 Jeg tryller Danish Brønniche, Emil 48 Erik Lundsgaards Forlag
92 Jeg tryller videre Danish Brønniche, Emil 47 Erik Lundsgaards Forlag
93 Kortkunstneren Danish Brønniche, Emil 43 Jespersen og Pios Forlag
94 Matematisk Magi Danish Brønniche, Emil 63 forfatteren
95 Trylleri til Scene og Selskabsbrug Danish Brønniche, Emil 15 1947 Emil Brønniche's Forlag
96 It's easier than you think English Buckingham, Geoffrey 191 1952 H. Clarke & Co.
97 It's easier than you think - Vol. 3 English Buckingham, Geoffrey 104 1979 forfatteren
98 Card Control English Buckley, Arthur H. (1890-1953) 222 1946 Arthur H. Buckley 2nd edition
99 Principles and Deceptions English Buckley, Arthur H. (1890-1953) 224 1948 Arthur H. Buckley 1st edition
100 The Buckley Trilogy: Card Control English Buckley, Arthur H. (1890-1953) 220 1946 Gambler's Book Club
101 The Buckley Trilogy: Principles and Deceptions English Buckley, Arthur H. (1890-1953) 222 1948 Gambler's Book Club
102 Gems of Mental Magic English Buckley, Arthur H. (1890-1953) & Cook, J.B. (1908-1978) 132 1947 forfatteren MENTALISM and BIZARRE MAGICK
103 Secrets and Mysteries for the Close-Up Entertainer English Burger, Eugene (b. 1939) 98 Philip R. Wilmarth CLOSE-UP
104 Peek Encores English Busch, Richard 110 2003 Author 1st edition
105 33 Tändsticks Problem Swedish Bäck, Anders; Liberg, Olle O. 48 1958 Wennerbergs
106 Treasury of Wit and Humour English Cagney, Peter 372 1965 A. Thomas & Co Gentryk, 1967
107 Mind' Your Magic English Cameron, Charles W. 62 Supreme Magic
108 The Secrets of Houdini English Cannell, J. C. 279 1973 Dover Publications
109 The Secrets of Houdini English Cannell, J. C. 279 Hutcinson & Co. 8th edition
110 The Secrets of Houdini English Cannell, J. C. 252 1938 Hutcinson & Co.
111 Psykisk kraft Hypnosis Telepati Swedish Carré, Mr. 44
112 The Great Chess Automaton English Carroll, Charles Michael 116 1975 Dover Publications
113 Peerless Prestidigitation English Caston, Herbert De 30 1910 Hamley Brothers
114 Manuel Pratique D´Illusionnisme et de Prestidigitation French Ceillier, Rémi 310 1935 Payot
115 Laughing Stock English Cerf, Bennett 198 1945 Dennis Dobson
116 Magic: The Greats Illusions Revealed and Explained English Charney, David H. 247 1975 Plume
117 The Banquet Magician's Handbook English Charvet, David 107 1977 A-1 MultiMedia 2nd edition
118 Spirits in the House English Chislett, T. H. 118 1949 Goodliffe the Magician
119 Conjuring with Christopher English Christopher, Milbourne (1914-1984) 71 1949 Max Holden GENERAL MAGIC
120 Houdini - The Untold Story English Christopher, Milbourne (1914-1984) 281 1969 Cassel & Company Ltd
121 Panorama of magic English Christopher, Milbourne (1914-1984) 216 1962 Dover HISTORY AND THEORY
122 Panorama of magic English Christopher, Milbourne (1914-1984) 216 1962 Dover HISTORY AND THEORY
123 The Illustrated History of Magic English Christopher, Milbourne (1914-1984) 452 1973 Robert Hale & Company HISTORY AND THEORY
124 The Sphinx - The Golden Jubilee Book of Magic English Christopher, Milbourne (1914-1984) 128 1951 Sphinx Publishing Corporation
125 Varied Deceptions English Christopher, Milbourne (1914-1984) 152 1940 GENERAL MAGIC
126 Varied Deceptions English Christopher, Milbourne (1914-1984) 152 Supreme Magic 1980 GENERAL MAGIC
127 Varied Deceptions English Christopher, Milbourne (1914-1984) 152 Harry Stanley (Unique Magic Studio) GENERAL MAGIC
128 Jumbo Hocus Pocus Show Dutch, French, German, English, Swedish, Danish, Italian Ciffer, D. 190 1970 Hausemann & Hötte
129 Encyclopedia of Cigarette Tricks English Clark, Keith (1908-1979) 307 1937 Keith Clark
130 Thought wings onward English Clever, Eddie (1904-1975) 121 1945 Abbott Magic Novelty Co. 2nd edition
131 Cole's Fun Doctor English Cole, E. W. 512 Frederick Warne & Co.
132 Magia de Salón Spanish Collins, A. Frederick 208 1950
133 The Book of Magic English Collins, A. Frederick 177 1927 D. Appleton & Company
134 A Conjuring Mélange English Collins, Stanley Martin (1881-1966) 244 1947 Fleming Book Company GENERAL MAGIC
135 Das Universum der Magie German Conradi, F.W. (1870-1944) (Horster, F.W.C.) 96 Horsterscher Verlag GENERAL MAGIC
136 Das Universum der Magie German Conradi, F.W. (1870-1944) (Horster, F.W.C.) 188 Horsterscher Verlag
137 Der Tausendkünstler German Conradi, F.W. (1870-1944) (Horster, F.W.C.) 392 Peter J. Oeftergaard GENERAL MAGIC
138 Der Tausendkünstler German Conradi, F.W. (1870-1944) (Horster, F.W.C.) 392 Peter J. Oeftergaard GENERAL MAGIC
139 Der Vollendete Kartenkünstler German Conradi, F.W. (1870-1944) (Horster, F.W.C.) 160 1920 Dr. Eysler & Co. GENERAL MAGIC
140 Der Vollendete Kartenkünstler German Conradi, F.W. (1870-1944) (Horster, F.W.C.) 160 1920 Dr. Eysler & Co. Ødelagt i ryg GENERAL MAGIC
141 Gedankenlesen ohne Sprechen un "Das Blitzsystem" German Conradi, F.W. (1870-1944) (Horster, F.W.C.) 52 1922 Horsterscher Verlag
142 Im Reiche der Wunder German Conradi, F.W. (1870-1944) (Horster, F.W.C.) 391 1917
143 Im Reiche der Wunder German Conradi, F.W. (1870-1944) (Horster, F.W.C.) 391 1917
144 Magie "Fin de Siècle" German Conradi, F.W. (1870-1944) (Horster, F.W.C.) 180 Horsterscher Verlag GENERAL MAGIC
145 Magische Bibliothek German Conradi, F.W. (1870-1944) (Horster, F.W.C.) 248 Horsterscher Verlag GENERAL MAGIC
146 Magische Juwelen German Conradi, F.W. (1870-1944) (Horster, F.W.C.) 252 Horsterscher Verlag GENERAL MAGIC
147 The Vampire - In Legend and Fact English Copper, Basil 208 1973 Citadel Press
148 Beyond Imagination English Copperfield, David; Berliner, Janet 476 1996 HarperPrism
149 Genial Improbabilities English Courcy, Ken de 62 1949 Goodliffe
150 Masterpieces of magic, vol. 1 English Craggs, Douglas 77 1940 GENERAL MAGIC
151 Ventriloquism from A to Z English Craggs, Douglas 104 1969 Faber and Faber
152 Germain the Wizard and his Legerdemain English Cramer, Stuart 152 1966 Buffum GENERAL MAGIC
153 The Secrets of Karl Germain English Cramer, Stuart 70 1962 Emerson Press GENERAL MAGIC
154 Lær å trylle Norwegian Crosby, Jan 77 1970 Signeret af forfatteren
155 Let's Put on a Show English Crowther, Arnold 93 1964 Stanmore Press
156 Magician´s magic English Curry, Paul (1917-1986) 269 1965 Franklin Watts GENERAL MAGIC
157 Magician´s magic English Curry, Paul (1917-1986) 269 1965 Dover GENERAL MAGIC
158 How to Make a Magician of Yourself English Cuthbertson, Rod 202 1970 Australian Society of Magicians
159 Children´s Parties - A Speciality English D'Arcy, Peter 97 1972 Goodliffe
160 Savsmuld og Piskesmeld Danish Dahl, Henry 140 1949 Palæ
161 Savsmuld og Piskesmeld Danish Dahl, Henry 140 1949 Palæ Signeret af forfatteren, 1955
162 100 Kabaler Danish Dahl, Jens 87 1969 Povl Branners Forlag Femte oplag
163 Fødselsdags Sjov Danish Dalby, Claus Zimba 60 1984 Stavnsager
164 Hypnose, Telepati -og andre mystiske tryllerier.. Danish Dalby, Claus Zimba 57 1985 Stavnsager
165 Håndbog i Hundekunster Danish Dalby, Claus Zimba 57 1987 Klematis
166 Kortmagi Danish Dalby, Claus Zimba 64 1984 Stavnsager
167 Lommetricks Danish Dalby, Claus Zimba 51 1985 Stavnsager
168 Sjove Tryllerier med Zimba Danish Dalby, Claus Zimba 32 1984 Stavnsager
169 Skal vi lege Klovn? Danish Dalby, Claus Zimba 48 1985 Stavnsager
170 Tankelæsning Danish Dalby, Claus Zimba 57 1983 Stavnsager Signeret af forfatteren, 1985
171 Tryl med Zimba Danish Dalby, Claus Zimba 38 1982 Fremad
172 Chickys - to klovner i Cirkus Danish Dalby, Claus; Kirkholt, Preben 1995 Klematis Første oplag
173 Die Juden in der Zauberkunst German Dammann, Günther (1930-c1940) 100 1933 2nd edition
174 The Paul Daniels Magic Annual English Daniels, Paul 61 1983 World International
175 I´ll Read Your Mind English Darling, Aage (1893-1987) 56 1953 MENTALISM and BIZARRE MAGICK
176 Novedades Magicas Spanish Daroca, A. 110 1948 1st edition Signeret af forfatteren
177 Making Magic English Dawes, Edwin Alfred; Setterington, Arthur 190 1986 MMB - Multimedia Books
178 Conjuring Apparatus - up-to-date English Day and Levani 152 1912 Casell & co. Forfattere: Vernon, Dai; Levani (Professors Day and Levani)
179 Occult Illustrated Dictionary English Day, Harvey 156 1975 Kaye & Ward Ltd
180 Lad os trylle Danish Day, Jon 96 1991 Times Four Publishing Oversat fra engelsk efter "Let's make magic"
181 Legerdemine English Dayton, Ronald J. 71 1981 Micky Hades
182 Press-Tidigitation English Dayton, Ronald J. 73 1981 Micky Hades
183 Secret Thoughts English Dayton, Ronald J. 80 1983 Micky Hades
184 Impromptu Magic, With Patter English DeLawrence, George 79 1922 T. S. Denison & Company
185 Lessons in conjuring English Devant, David (David Wighton 1868-1941) 152 1922
186 Magic made easy English Devant, David (David Wighton 1868-1941) 122 1921
187 Secrets of My Magic English Devant, David (David Wighton 1868-1941) 288 1969 The Supreme Magic Company 3rd impression 1977
188 Secrets of My Magic English Devant, David (David Wighton 1868-1941) 288 1969 The Supreme Magic Company
189 An Illustrated Book of Magic Tricks English Dexter, Will (William Thomas Pritchard 1906-1985) 74 1972 Abbey Library London
190 Everybodys Book of Magic English Dexter, Will (William Thomas Pritchard 1906-1985) 183 1956 Arco Publications Limited 1st edition
191 Famous Magic Secrets English Dexter, Will (William Thomas Pritchard 1906-1985) 141 1955 Abbey Library London
192 Magic Circle Magic English Dexter, Will (William Thomas Pritchard 1906-1985) 265 1963
193 Magic Circle Magic English Dexter, Will (William Thomas Pritchard 1906-1985) 265 1963
194 Secrets of the Conjurer's Craft English Dexter, Will (William Thomas Pritchard 1906-1985) 144 1965 Abbey Library London
195 The Illustrated Book of Magic Tricks English Dexter, Will (William Thomas Pritchard 1906-1985) 143 1957 Abbey Library London
196 The Riddle of Chung Ling Soo English Dexter, Will (William Thomas Pritchard 1906-1985) 222 1955 Arco Publications Limited
197 This is Magic English Dexter, Will (William Thomas Pritchard 1906-1985) 204 1958 Arco Publications Limited GENERAL MAGIC
198 Magic with small apparatus volume I English Dhotel, Jules (Jules Hedolt 1879-1967) 302 1947 Paul Fleming Gemmill
199 The Magic Catalogue English Doerflinger, William 242 1977
200 Butty Book English Dood, Ken 95 1977 MacMillan London Limited Signeret af forfatter
201 Original Magic for All English Douglas, Bert 124 1927 GENERAL MAGIC
202 The Art of Magic English Downs, Thomas Nelson (1867-1938) 348 1980 Dover Publications Genudgivelse af anden udgave af værket oprindeligt udgivet af Downs-Edwards Company 1921 GENERAL MAGIC
203 Tricks with Coins English Downs, Thomas Nelson (1867-1938) 84 1939 Wehman Bros.
204 Magic for all English Dunn, Bob 160 1954 Arco Publications Limited
205 100 Houdini Tricks English Dunninger, Joseph (1892-1975) 144 1954 Arco Publishing Company Inc.
206 100 Houdini tricks you can do English Dunninger, Joseph (1892-1975) 144 1954
207 Dunninger´s Complete Encyclopedia of Magic English Dunninger, Joseph (1892-1975) 288 1967 The Hamlyn Group Limited
208 Dunninger´s Complete Encyclopedia of Magic English Dunninger, Joseph (1892-1975) 288 1967 The Hamlyn Group Limited
209 Dunninger´s Magic Tricks - Here´s Fun for Young and Old! English Dunninger, Joseph (1892-1975) 144
210 Dunninger's Monument to Magic English Dunninger, Joseph (1892-1975) 223 1974 Lyle Stuart Inc. 1st
211 How to Make a Ghost Walk English Dunninger, Joseph (1892-1975) 82 1936 David Kemp & Company
212 What´s on your mind English Dunninger, Joseph (1892-1975) 192 1944 The World Publishing Company
213 En Cirkus Danish Dybdal, Helle 45 1978 Mallings
214 Doing Magic for Youngsters English Easley, Bret & Wilson, Erik P. 122 1948 Louis Tannen
215 Cirkus kommer til Byen Danish Edmonds, Walter D. 336 1943 Steen Hasselbachs Forlag
216 101 utsökte kortkunster Norwegian Egelo (b.1932) (edi) 64 1971 Egelo
217 Den Moderne Tryllebok Norwegian Egelo (b.1932) (edi) 63 Egelo
218 Lærebok i Trylleri og Kortkunster Norwegian Egelo (b.1932) (edi) 80 Egelo
219 A Textbook of Magic English Elbiquet 203 1930
220 Let's Make Magic English Eldin, Peter 45 1985 Treasure Press 1st edition published in Great Britain in 1981 by Octopus Books Limited
221 Trolleri Swedish Elgström, Thorsten 202 1918 Åhlén & Åkerlund
222 Card Tricks & Conjuring English Elliot, Dr. J.W. 322 1980 Coles Publishing Company Limited
223 Classic Secrets of Magic English Elliott, Bruce (1914-1973) 210 1953 Harper & brothers GENERAL MAGIC
224 Classic Secrets of Magic (1952) English Elliott, Bruce (1914-1973) 225 1953 Faber & Faber UK GENERAL MAGIC
225 Magic as a Hobby - New Tricks for Amateur Performers (1948) English Elliott, Bruce (1914-1973) 240 1952 Faber & Faber UK Uden dust cover GENERAL MAGIC
226 Magic as a Hobby - New Tricks for Amateur Performers (1948) English Elliott, Bruce (1914-1973) 240 1952 Faber & Faber UK Med dust cover GENERAL MAGIC
227 Magic: 100 New Tricks English Elliott, Bruce (1914-1973) 235 1957 Faber & Faber UK GENERAL MAGIC
228 Nya trolleriboken Swedish Elliott, Bruce (1914-1973) 85 1958 Wennerbergs Förlags AB
229 Trolleriboken Swedish Elliott, Bruce (1914-1973) 92 1957 Wennerbergs Förlags AB
230 Cirkus i Danmark, bind 1 Danish Enevig, Anders 288 1981 Dansk Historisk Håndbogsforlag
231 Cirkus i Danmark, bind 2 Danish Enevig, Anders 288 1981 Dansk Historisk Håndbogsforlag
232 Cirkus i Danmark, bind 3 Danish Enevig, Anders 288 1981 Dansk Historisk Håndbogsforlag
233 TIVOLI-lege Danish Enevig, Anders 59 1985 Dansk Historisk Håndbogsforlag
234 Das Rohnsteinbuch - II. Teil German Eperny, Charly
235 Das Stanley-Jaks Buch German Eperny, Charly 168 1961 Author
236 Magische Feinheiten German Eperny, Charly 103 1942 GENERAL MAGIC
237 The Expert at the Card Table English Erdnase, S. W. 205 Author Spiralbound
238 Kortkonsternas bok Swedish Ewert, Carl Axel 162 1946 Wahlström & Widstrand
239 Kortkonsternas bok Swedish Ewert, Carl Axel 162 1946 Wahlström & Widstrand
240 The Magic of Louis S. Histed English Fabian (E. Ray Griffiths 1912-1965) 159 1947 Goodliffe UK GENERAL MAGIC
241 Den Store Tryllebog Danish Faire, Lasse 212 1952 Skribent Studio Kbh
242 Lærebog i Hypnose Danish Faire, Lasse 162 1952 Hobby Studio 3rd edition
243 Convincing Coin Magic English Farelli, Victor (Vicktor Michael Farrelly 188-1955) 91 1946 George Amstrong UK Signeret af forfatteren, 1946 COINS
244 Convincing Coin Magic English Farelli, Victor (Vicktor Michael Farrelly 188-1955) 91 1946 George Amstrong UK Signeret af forfatteren, 1947 COINS
245 Les Principes de La Magie des Cartes French Farelli, Victor (Vicktor Michael Farrelly 188-1955) 80
246 Thanks to Leipzig! English Farelli, Victor (Vicktor Michael Farrelly 188-1955) 53 1948 George Amstrong UK Signeret af forfatteren
247 What Wirches Do English Farrar, Stewart 211 1971 Peter Davies
248 Vampires, Zombies, and Monster Men; Monsters and Mythic Beasts English Farson, Daniel; Hall, Angus 144 1975 Aldus Books Limited London
249 Geheimnisse der Kartenkunst German Figner, Leopold 80 1930
250 Zaubern leicht gemacht German Firnholzer, Ernst 128 1934 Friedr.Andreas Perthes GER
251 Zaubern leicht gemacht German Firnholzer, Ernst 128 1934
252 Aus eins mach zehn German Fischer, Ottokar (1873-1940) 182 1938 Signeret af forfatter, 1937 GENERAL MAGIC
253 Das Wunderbuch der Zauberkunst German Fischer, Ottokar (1873-1940) 224 1929 Friedr.Andreas Perthes GER
254 Hofzinser's Card Conjuring (1931) English Fischer, Ottokar (1873-1940) 188 1986 Dover Dover edition CARDS
255 Illustrated Magic English Fischer, Ottokar (1873-1940) 206 1931 The MacMillian Co Edition 1944 GENERAL MAGIC
256 J.N. Hofzinser Kartenkünste German Fischer, Ottokar (1873-1940) 218 1910 Jahoda & Siegel Austria 1st edi Signeret af forfatter, Wien 1909 CARDS
257 Never give a sucker an even break English Fisher, John (b.1945) 127 1976 Pantheon Books
258 Rope Eternal, or The Only Six Ways to Restore A Rope English Fitzkee, Dariel (Dariel Fitzroy 1898-1977) 52 Louis Tannen GENERAL MAGIC
259 Showmanship for Magicians English Fitzkee, Dariel (Dariel Fitzroy 1898-1977) 187 1943 Saint Raphael House 2nd edition HISTORY AND THEORY
260 The Trick Brain English Fitzkee, Dariel (Dariel Fitzroy 1898-1977) 316 1944 Saint Raphael House Uden dust cover HISTORY AND THEORY
261 The Trick Brain English Fitzkee, Dariel (Dariel Fitzroy 1898-1977) 316 1944 Magic Limited Med dust cover HISTORY AND THEORY
262 The Trick Brain English Fitzkee, Dariel (Dariel Fitzroy 1898-1977) 227 1945 Magic Limited Med dust cover HISTORY AND THEORY
263 Paul Flemming book reviews volume I English Fleming, Paul (Paul Fleming Gemmill 1889-1976) 124 1944 Fleming Book Company
264 Paul Flemming book reviews volume II English Fleming, Paul (Paul Fleming Gemmill 1889-1976) 124 1946 Fleming Book Company
265 AbraKFox English Fox, Karrell (1928-1998) 128 1983
266 Another Book English Fox, Karrell (1928-1998) 320 1979 The Supreme Magic Company
267 Hanussen - en moderne troldmands livshistorie Danish Frei, Bruno 112 1975 Frem-Forlag, Kbh
268 Kartenzauber ohne Fingerfertigkeit German Friedrich, Hanns 117 1941 Willmy Verlag CARDS
269 The secret out English Frikell, Gustave 307 1907 Oversat af Cremer, William H.
270 Hypnose und Suggestion German Fulton, Reginald 128 1929 Karl Schusdek
271 Easy Magic English Fulves, Karl 90 1995 Dover Publications
272 Self-Working Card Tricks English Fulves, Karl 113 1976 Dover Publications
273 Transpo Trix English Fulves, Karl 80 1978
274 How to get publicity in newspapers English Furst, Arnold (b.1918) 95 1975 Magic Limited
275 Hypnosis for Salesmen English Furst, Arnold (b.1918) 119 1960 Borden Publishing Company
276 Sleightly Original English Gagnon, Tom 113 1981 Tom Gagnon 1st edition
277 Nye Kabler - til nytte og fornøjelse Danish Gamle Tante 32
278 Card Magic by Manipulation English Ganson, Lewis (1913 - 1980) 31 1950 Harry Stanley UK CARDS
279 Complete Routined Manipuation English Ganson, Lewis (1913 - 1980) 1981 Supreme Magic Publication GENERAL MAGIC
280 Dai Vernon´s Further Inner Secrets of Card Magic (1961) English Ganson, Lewis (1913 - 1980) 72 1978 Supreme UK 1st edi 4th print CARDS
281 Dai Vernon´s Inner Secrets of Card Magic (1959) English Ganson, Lewis (1913 - 1980) 76 1976 Supreme UK 2nd edi 2nd print CARDS
282 Dai Vernon´s More Inner Secrets of Card Magic (1960) English Ganson, Lewis (1913 - 1980) 88 Supreme UK CARDS
283 Dai Vernon´s Tribute to Nate Leipzig English Ganson, Lewis (1913 - 1980) 192 1980 Supreme UK
284 Dai Vernon´s Ultimate Secrets of Card Magic English Ganson, Lewis (1913 - 1980) 242 1968 Harry Stanley UK
285 Magic of the Mind English Ganson, Lewis (1913 - 1980) 114 1960 Harry Stanley UK MENTALISM and BIZARRE MAGICK
286 Routined manipulation finale English Ganson, Lewis (1913 - 1980) 254 1954 Harry Stanley UK GENERAL MAGIC
287 Routined manipulation finale English Ganson, Lewis (1913 - 1980) 254 1954 Louis Tannen GENERAL MAGIC
288 Routined manipulation part 1 English Ganson, Lewis (1913 - 1980) 118 1950 Harry Stanley UK GENERAL MAGIC
289 Routined manipulation part 1 English Ganson, Lewis (1913 - 1980) 118 1950 Louis Tannen 2nd edition GENERAL MAGIC
290 Routined manipulation part 2 English Ganson, Lewis (1913 - 1980) 133 1951 Harry Stanley UK GENERAL MAGIC
291 Routined manipulation part 2 English Ganson, Lewis (1913 - 1980) 133 1951 Louis Tannen GENERAL MAGIC
292 The Art of Close-Up Magic volume 1 English Ganson, Lewis (1913 - 1980) 344 1966 Harry Stanley UK CLOSE-UP
293 The Art of Close-Up Magic volume 2 English Ganson, Lewis (1913 - 1980) 300 1966 Harry Stanley UK CLOSE-UP
294 The Ganson Book English Ganson, Lewis (1913 - 1980) 232 1982 Supreme UK GENERAL MAGIC
295 The Magic of Slydini English Ganson, Lewis (1913 - 1980) 208 1960 Harry Stanley UK CLOSE-UP
296 The Magic of Slydini English Ganson, Lewis (1913 - 1980) 208 1980 Supreme UK CLOSE-UP
297 Unconventional Magic English Ganson, Lewis (1913 - 1980) 59 1959 Harry Stanley UK GENERAL MAGIC
298 Unconventional Magic English Ganson, Lewis (1913 - 1980) 59 1959 Harry Stanley UK Med dust cover GENERAL MAGIC
299 Marconick's Unique Silk Magic English Ganson, Lewis; Miller Hugh 125 1970
300 Million Dollar Card Secrets English Garcia, Frank (1927-2000) 128 1972 Million Dollar Product. 1st edition CARDS
301 Super Subtle Card Miracles English Garcia, Frank (1927-2000) 215 1973 Million Dollar Product. 1st edition CARDS
302 Wild Card Miracles English Garcia, Frank (1927-2000) 147 1977 Frank Garcia 1st edition CARDS
303 Amedeo´s Contenental Magic English Garcia, Frank & George Schindler 115 1974 Million Dollar Productions 1st edition
304 Kort Magi Swedish Garcia, Frank & George Schindler 190 1982 Spektra AB Oversat fra Magic With Cards (1979) CARDS
305 Kort Magi Swedish Garcia, Frank & George Schindler 190 1982 Spektra AB Oversat fra Magic With Cards (1979) CARDS
306 Mathematics Magic and Mystery English Gardner, Martin (b.1914) 176 1956 Dover CLOSE-UP
307 Mathematics Magic and Mystery English Gardner, Martin (b.1914) 176 1956 Dover CLOSE-UP
308 Methemathical Puzzles and Diversions English Gardner, Martin (b.1914) 155 1959 Penguin Books Reprint 1973
309 More mathematical puzzles of Sam Lloyd (1960) English Gardner, Martin (b.1914) 167 1959 Dover
310 The Magic Numbers of Dr. Matrix English Gardner, Martin (b.1914) 326 1985 Dorset Press
311 Magic without apparatus English Gaultier, Camille (1872-1943) 527 1945 Fleming Book Company
312 There's Laughter in the Air! English Gaver, Jack & Stanley, Dave 291 1945 Greenberg
313 Die Kunst der Täuschung German Geue, Bernhard 104 1991 Atrioc-Verlag Dr. Bernhard Geue
314 Hypnose und Gedächtnis German Gheorghiu, Vladimir Aristo 133 1973 Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag
315 Magic Explained English Gibson, Walter B (1897-1985) 188 1949 Perma Books 1st edition GENERAL MAGIC
316 Professional Magic for Amateurs English Gibson, Walter B (1897-1985) 225 1947 Dover 1974 edition GENERAL MAGIC
317 Professional Magic for Amateurs English Gibson, Walter B (1897-1985) 213 1948 Nicholas Kaye 2nd edition GENERAL MAGIC
318 The Bunco Book English Gibson, Walter B (1897-1985) 96 1946 Sidney H. Radner
319 The New Magician´s Manual English Gibson, Walter B (1897-1985) 142 1975 Dover
320 What´s New In Magic English Gibson, Walter B (1897-1985) 222 1956 Hanover House
321 Witchcraft English Gibson, Walter B (1897-1985) 149 1973 Grosset & Dunlap
322 Houdini on Magic English Gibson, Walter B (1897-1985) & Young, Morris 280 1953 Dover GENERAL MAGIC
323 Magic as a performing art - A Bibliography of Conjuring English Gill, Robert 252 1976 Bowker UK
324 Feather Flowers From Nowhere English Ginn, David 128 1981 Scarlett Green 1st
325 Vi Tryller Danish Gischarowski, Randolph 45 1963 Forlaget Notabene
326 It´s Fun To Be Fooled English Goldin, Horace (Hyman Elias Goldstein 1873-1939) 127 Printet/udskrevet HISTORY AND THEORY
327 Exclusive Magical Secrets English Goldston, Will (1878-1948) 506 1977 Dover GENERAL MAGIC
328 Great Tricks Revealed English Goldston, Will (1878-1948) 304 1935 Fourth impression 1955
329 Secrets of Famous Illusionists English Goldston, Will (1878-1948) 285 1933 John Long
330 The Young Conjurer, part 1 & 2 English Goldston, Will (1878-1948) 92 Will Goldston Limited 2nd edition
331 Tricks of the Masters English Goldston, Will (1878-1948) 207 1942 George Routledge & Sons 3rd 1953 HISTORY AND THEORY
332 Tricks That Mystify More Modern Card Tricks Tricks That Mystify Magical Hints, Vaulable Information, &c., &c. Will Goldston's Who's Who in Magic English Goldston, Will (1878-1948) 0 1942 George Routledge & Sons
333 100 Amazing Magic Tricks English Good, Arthur (Tom Tit) 127 Corwin Books
334 Simply Wizard English Goodliffe 107 1946 Goodliffe Publication
335 Simply Wizard English Goodliffe 107 1946 Goodliffe Publication
336 Thayer Catalog Instruction Sheets vol. 2 English Gravatt, Glenn (1899-1984) 324 1979 author
337 Thayer Catalog Instruction Sheets vol. 3 English Gravatt, Glenn (1899-1984) 312 1979 author
338 Professional Card Magic English Green, Cliff 159 1961 Louis Tannen CARDS
339 Professional Card Magic English Green, Cliff 159 1961 Louis Tannen 1st edition CARDS
340 Harry Green Says You are a Magician English Green, Harry 79 Thames Publishing
341 Illusion in Nature and Art English Gregory, R L & Gombrich, E H 288 1973 Charles Scribner's Sons
342 Houdini - The man who walked to walls English Gresham, William Lindsay 263 1959 Hillmann Books 1961
343 Illusion Show Know-How English Griffin, Ken; Roberta 104 1972 Abbott Magic Manufacturing Co.
344 An Invitation to Mystery English Griffith, Tony(b.1934) 64 0 Supreme Magic Company
345 Magic "The Way I See It" English Hades, Micky 35 1968 Micky Hades Enterprises
346 The Magic Shelf vol. 1 English Hades, Micky 66 1965 Micky Hades Enterprises
347 The Magic Shelf vol. 2 English Hades, Micky 126 1969 Micky Hades Enterprises
348 The Make-up of Magic English Hades, Micky 72 1962 Micky Hades Enterprises
349 Bibliography of Books on Conjuring in English 1580-1850 English Hall, Trevor Henry (1910-1991) 96 1957 Carl Waring Jones
350 Card magic of Edward G Brown English Hall, Trevor Henry (1910-1991) 214 1973 The Magic Circle UK CARDS
351 Card magic of Edward G Brown English Hall, Trevor Henry (1910-1991) 214 1973 The Magic Circle UK CARDS
352 Reading is Believing English Hall, Trevor Henry (1910-1991) 103 1947 Goodliffe Publication MENTALISM and BIZARRE MAGICK
353 The Testament of R. W. Hull English Hall, Trevor Henry (1910-1991) 116 1945 Academy of Recorded Crafts, Arts and Sciences ltd Referensbok GENERAL MAGIC
354 The Testament of R. W. Hull English Hall, Trevor Henry (1910-1991) 116 1945 Academy of Recorded Crafts, Arts and Sciences ltd Referensbok GENERAL MAGIC
355 Close Up Trolleri Swedish Hallberg, Åke 164 1982 Spektra
356 Close Up Trolleri Swedish Hallberg, Åke 164 1982 Spektra
357 Lær at Trylle Danish Hamberg, Cenneth 48 1975 Williams Forlag Oversat fra Svensk
358 Tændstiktricks Danish Hansel, Sigurd 95 1977 Politikens Forlag
359 Harbincadabra - Brainwaves & Brainstorms of Robert Harbin from the pages of Abracadabra 1947-1965 English Harbin, Robert (1908-1978) 312 1979 A Goodliffe Publication
360 Origami - japansk papirfoldning Danish Harbin, Robert (1908-1978) 165 1968 Grafodan
361 Magi Swedish Hardini 71 1953 Evert Olofsson - Hardini, HÖÖR 2nd edition (1960) Nummereret 129/200
362 Anders And's Tryllebog Danish Hardy, Ken 188 1974 Gutenberghus
363 Balloon Magic English Hardy, Marvin L. 203 1987 Pioneer Balloon Company
364 Las Vegas Close-Up English Harris, Paul 150 1978 Robbins E-Z Magic CLOSE-UP
365 Hypnose - teknik og anvendelsesmuligheder Danish Hau, Eigil 114 1978 Strubes Forlag
366 Pleated Paper Folding English Hawkesworth, Eric 104 1975 Supreme Magic Company 1984 edition
367 The Art of Paper Tearing English Hawkesworth, Eric 75 1970 Faber and Faber London
368 Cyclopedia of Magic English Hay, Henry (June Barrows Mussey 1912-1985) 498 1949 Dover 1975 edition GENERAL MAGIC
369 Learn Magic English Hay, Henry (June Barrows Mussey 1912-1985) 285 1947 Dover 1975 edition
370 The Amateur Magician´s Handbook English Hay, Henry (June Barrows Mussey 1912-1985) 356 1950 Faber and Faber London GENERAL MAGIC
371 Zaubern müßte man können English Hay, Henry (June Barrows Mussey 1912-1985) 224 1970 Südwest Verlag München
372 MatheMagic English Heath, Royal Vale 126 1953 Dover
373 MatheMagic English Heath, Royal Vale 126 1953 Dover
374 The Book of Stunts & Tricks English Hedges, Sid G. 64 Allenson & Co.
375 Das Zauberbuch German Heimbürger, Alexander 128 Union Deutsche Verlaggeschellschaft
376 Moderne Salon-Zaubereien German Hermann, M 118 1900 S. Mode's Verlag, Berlin
377 Tryllestaven Danish Hermanns, Professor 286 1872 F. Chr. Pios Forlag
378 Tricks and Games on the Pool Table English Herrmann, Fred 95 1902 Dover (1967)
379 Magic and Superstition English Hill, Douglas 141 1968 Hamlyn Publishing
380 Greater magic English Hilliard, John Northern (1872-1935) 1006 1938 Carl W. Jones 7th Impression rev edi (1945) GENERAL MAGIC
381 Greater magic English Hilliard, John Northern (1872-1935) 1006 1938 Carl W. Jones 8th Impression rev edi (1947) GENERAL MAGIC
382 Later Magic English Hoffman, Louis (Angelo John Lewis) (1839-1919) 738 1904 Routledge & Kegan Paul GENERAL MAGIC
383 Modern magic English Hoffman, Louis (Angelo John Lewis) (1839-1919) 563 1898 Dover (1978) GENERAL MAGIC
384 The Conjurer's Outfit and Accessories - from Later Magic English Hoffman, Louis (Angelo John Lewis) (1839-1919) 132 1924 George Routledge & Sons
385 The Victorian book of magic illustrated or Professor Hoffman´s curious & innocent diversions for parlour & refined gatherings English Hoffman, Louis (Angelo John Lewis) (1839-1919) 63 1890 Stephen Greene Press reprint 1969
386 Trollkonsternas bok Swedish Hoffman, Louis (Angelo John Lewis) (1839-1919) 221 1940 Björck & Börjesson SWE
387 Trolleri för alla Swedish Hogan, Charles (Lundblad, Stig) 255 1944 Lindqvists Stockholm
388 Trolleri för alla Swedish Hogan, Charles (Lundblad, Stig) 255 1944 Lindqvists Stockholm
389 Trolleri med kort Swedish Hogan, Charles (Lundblad, Stig) 126 1971 Lindqvists Stockholm
390 Jokes, Jokes, Jokes 2 English Hoke, Helen 158 1973 Franklin Watts Limited
391 Working the Halls English Honri, Peter 215 1973 Sxon House
392 Edwins Magic Finale English Hooper, Edwin 320 1989 Author
393 Edwins Magic, Vol. 1 English Hooper, Edwin 286 1989 Author
394 Edwins Magic, Vol. 2 English Hooper, Edwin 310 1989 Author
395 Magic, Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions, including Trick Photography (1897) English Hopkins, Albert Allis (1869-1939) 556 1898 Munn & Co. reprint 1911 GENERAL MAGIC
396 Magic, Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions, including Trick Photography (1897) English Hopkins, Albert Allis (1869-1939) 556 1898 Dover reprint 1976 GENERAL MAGIC
397 Miracle mongers English Houdini, Harry (Ehrich Weisz 1874-1926) 240 1920 Coles Publishing reprint 1980 HISTORY AND THEORY
398 The magic 36 English Houghton, William S. 72 1943 Abbott's Magic Novelty
399 Card manipulations vol. 1-5 English Hugard, Jean (1872 - 1959) 185 Max Holden / Davenport
400 Encyclopedia of Card Tricks English Hugard, Jean (1872 - 1959) 403 1937 Max Holden 2nd edtion (1940) CARDS
401 Encyclopedia of Card Tricks English Hugard, Jean (1872 - 1959) 403 1937 Max Holden 2nd edtion (1940) CARDS
402 Encyclopedia of Card Tricks English Hugard, Jean (1872 - 1959) 403 1937 Dover reprint 1974 CARDS
403 Hankerchief Magic English Hugard, Jean (1872 - 1959) 85 1935 Dover reprint 1974
404 Jean Hugard Testimonial English Hugard, Jean (1872 - 1959) 104 1945 private publisher Written by John J Crimmins
405 Modern Magic Manual English Hugard, Jean (1872 - 1959) 345 1939 Harper & Brothers GENERAL MAGIC
406 Modern Magic Manual English Hugard, Jean (1872 - 1959) 372 1939 Faber and Faber London reprint 1957 GENERAL MAGIC
407 More Card Manipulations Series 1-4 (1938-1941) English Hugard, Jean (1872 - 1959) 205 1974 Dover
408 More Card Manipulations Vol 1-4 English Hugard, Jean (1872 - 1959) 205 Max Holden CARDS
409 Silken sorcery English Hugard, Jean (1872 - 1959) 83 1937 Max Holden 1st edi
410 Expert Card Technique English Hugard, Jean (1872 - 1959) & Braue, Fred 448 1940 Dover reprint 1974
411 The Royal Road to Card Magic (1948) English Hugard, Jean (1872 - 1959) & Braue, Fred 298 1954 Faber & Faber UK CARDS
412 Fifty Sealed Message Reading Methods English Hull, Burling Volta (1889-1982) 56 1944
413 How to Answer Questions English Hull, Burling Volta (1889-1982) 42 1927 Signeret af forfatteren
414 The Edison of Magic - and his Increadible Creations English Hull, Burling Volta (1889-1982) 112 1977
415 New and Easy Magic English Hunter, Norman (b.1899) 124 1925
416 Successful conjuring for amateurs English Hunter, Norman (b.1899) 383 1951
417 Magische Miniaturen German Hügl, Fritz 64 1926
418 Zwölf Schlager der Magie German Hügli, F. 76 1922
419 Moderne Magie German Hügli, F. A. 228 1903
420 Einfach Wunderbar - Wunderbar Einfach German Höller, Hannes (b.1929) 138 1978 author GER
421 Tryllekunstner uden Apparater Danish Høpfner, Otto; Knudsen, Kristjan 80 1902 H. Hagerups Forlag
422 Illustrierte Zauber-Soiree German Jacoby-Harms 110 1887 Leipzig: Verlag und Drud von Otto Spamer
423 Mads Magiske Bog Danish Jaffee, Al Williams Forlag Oversat
424 Abbots encyclopedia of rope tricks for magicians English James, Stewart (1908-1996) 400 1975 Dover Dover edition Først udgivet i 1945
425 Tossede Tal Danish Johansen, Carl-Otto 147 1965 Borgens Forlag
426 Second Time Around English Johnson, Roy (b.1932) 84 1971 Goodliffe Uden dustcover
427 Second Time Around English Johnson, Roy (b.1932) 84 1971 Goodliffe Med dustcover
428 The Roy Johnson Experience English Johnson, Roy (b.1932) 76 1970 Goodliffe GENERAL MAGIC
429 The Wizard Exposed English Johnstone, Duncan; Dawes, Edwin A. 175 1987 Meyerbooks
430 Mr. Smith's Guide to Sleight of Hand English Jonson, Wilfrid 95 1945 Academy of Recorded Crafts, Arts and Sciences, Ltd.
431 Mr. Smith's Guide to Sleight of Hand English Jonson, Wilfrid 95 1945 Academy of Recorded Crafts, Arts and Sciences, Ltd.
432 But not to play English Jonson, Wilfrid (1899-1974) 116 1946 George Jonson Magical Publications
433 Card conjuring English Jonson, Wilfrid (1899-1974) 92 1950 Foyles Signeret af forfatter
434 Conjuring English Jonson, Wilfrid (1899-1974) 96 1950 Foyles Signeret af forfatter
435 Magic Tricks & Card Tricks (1950) English Jonson, Wilfrid (1899-1974) 96 1954 Dover reprint CARDS
436 Collected Tricks English Jordan, Charles T. (1888-1944) 45 1919 author 1st edi CARDS
437 Greater Card Tricks English Joseph, Eddie (1899-1974) 101 1942 Abbott 1st edi
438 How to do Cups & Balls English Joseph, Eddie (1899-1974) 60 1946 The Wampire Press
439 The Last Word on Cups and Balls English Joseph, Eddie (1899-1974) 69 1942 Abbott 1st edi
440 Gadegøgl Danish Jørgensen, N. K. 55 1987 Forlaget DRAMA 2. oplag
441 The Fine Art of Magic English Kaplan, George Gilbert (b. 1902) 341 1948 Fleming Book Company 1st edi CLOSE-UP
442 Catalog of Magic English Kaye, Marvin (b.1938) 279 1977 Doubleday Dolphin GENERAL MAGIC
443 The Complete Magician English Kaye, Marvin (b.1938) 255 1973 MacMillan London GENERAL MAGIC
444 Thumbs up! English Kenyon, John 44 1946 Goodlife
445 Cartomagia Spanish Ketzelman, José 156 1953 S. A. Editorial Bell 3rd edi
446 Magia, Trucos y Entretenimientos Spanish Ketzelman, José 159 1964 S. A. Editorial Bell
447 Die Zauberkunst German Klinckowstroem, Carl Graf Von 135 1954
448 Killer Konceptions English Knepper, Kenton 40 2000 author
449 Ultimately Under English Knepper, Kenton 94 author
450 Magi & Kunst Danish Kolstrup, Inger-Lise 192 1995 Skippershoved
451 Kort is Now in Session English Kort, Milton 64 1962 Ireland 1st edi Illustrated by Jim Steranko CLOSE-UP
452 Getting Serious... English Krantz, Thomas 85 1997 Author 2 copies
453 Getting Serious... English Krantz, Thomas 85 1997 Author 2 copies
454 The Amazing World of Kreskin (1973) English Kreskin 211 1974 Coronet Books
455 The Book of Conjuring and Card Tricks (1900) English Kunard, Professor R. 216
456 Talmagi Danish Laigaard, Jens 56 1997 Borgens Forlag 1st
457 Victorian magic English Lamb, Geoffrey 136 1976 Routledge & Kegan Paul UK 1st edi
458 Columbus' Egg (1890) English Lanners, Edi 192 1976 OPTICAL ILLUSIONS
459 Illusionernes Verden Danish Lanners, Edi 155 1975 Oversat - original udgave fra 1973 OPTICAL ILLUSIONS
460 Illusionernes Verden Danish Lanners, Edi 155 1975 Oversat - original udgave fra 1973 OPTICAL ILLUSIONS
461 Kolumbus Eier (1890) German Lanners, Edi 205 1976 OPTICAL ILLUSIONS
462 Kolumbus-Eier II (1890) German Lanners, Edi 248 OPTICAL ILLUSIONS
463 Conjuring for Children (1949) English Larsen, William W. Sr. (1904-1953) 17 1973 Micky Hades Enterprises 1st edi
464 The Mental Mysteries and Other Writings of William W. Larsen Sr. English Larsen, William W. Sr. (1904-1953) 221 1977 Genii Publishing Company 1st edi
465 Lots of Lawton English Lawton, Don 160 1971 Magic Inc
466 Diversified Magic English Leat, Harry (1874-1949) 103 1924 Harry Leat UK 1st edi GENERAL MAGIC
467 Tragic Magic English Leat, Harry (1874-1949) 122 1925 Harry Leat UK 1st edi GENERAL MAGIC
468 U.S.A. Depot Magic English Leat, Harry (1874-1949) 92 1925 Harry Leat UK 1st edi GENERAL MAGIC
469 Math miracles English Lee, Wallace 85 1960 Micky Hades International 2nd edi
470 Al Leech´s Legacy English Leech, Al (1917-1974) 124 1980 Magic Inc GENERAL MAGIC
471 Magic for Everybody English Leeming, Joseph (Joseph M. Sarandrea c1897-1968) 260 1928 Doubleday Doran 1st edi
472 Zauberbuch German Leeming, Joseph (Joseph M. Sarandrea c1897-1968) 121 1955 Franckh'sche 4th edi
473 Jetzt kann ich zaubern German Lemke, Stefan; Michalski, Martin 60 1986 Ravensburger 1st edi
474 Uri Geller fup eller fakta? Danish Leslie, Leo 96 1974 Samlerens Piccolobøger Signeret af forfatteren
475 Hvad tænker du på? Danish Leslie, Michael 39 1997 Klematis 1st edi
476 Tom Tits Tricks Danish Levemark, Lasse; Fresk, Klas 64 1989 Sesam Oversat fra svensk
477 Opus Thirteen English Lewis, Eric C. (b.1908) 110 1951 Goodliffe
478 25 Mønttricks Danish Liberg, Olle O:son (ps Sir Teen, Tom Trix. b1921) 32 1946 Winthers Forlag Oversat fra svensk af Fritz Olai
479 Cigaret og Tændstiktricks Danish Liberg, Olle O:son (ps Sir Teen, Tom Trix. b1921) 32 1946 Winthers Forlag Oversat fra svensk af Fritz Olai
480 Cigaret og Tændstiktricks Danish Liberg, Olle O:son (ps Sir Teen, Tom Trix. b1921) 32 1946 Winthers Forlag Oversat fra svensk af Fritz Olai
481 Hokus Pokus efter middan Swedish Liberg, Olle O:son (ps Sir Teen, Tom Trix. b1921) 48 1950 Swings Sportdepå
482 Modern magi för amatörer Swedish Liberg, Olle O:son (ps Sir Teen, Tom Trix. b1921) 211 1948 Norstedts SWE 1st edi Signeret af forfatteren
483 Modern magi för amatörer Swedish Liberg, Olle O:son (ps Sir Teen, Tom Trix. b1921) 211 1948 Norstedts SWE 1st edi
484 Royal Flush German Liebenow, Erhard 142 1976 Author Dedikeret til Paul Arland af forfatteren
485 Trolla och spå med kort Swedish Linde, Sven (Carlborg, A.W.M) 176 1945 Fröhleen SWE
486 Kort-trix Danish Lindgreen, David 52 1994 Pegani 1st edi
487 Moderne Mønttrix Danish Lindgreen, David 51 1997 Pegani 1st edi
488 Clément de Lion berätter Swedish Lion, Clément de 0 1937
489 Tryllebogen Danish Lion, Clément de 75 1910 Pios Boghandel
490 Chemical Magic English Lippy, John D. Jr (1897-1967) 107 1930 Sully Referensbok
491 Tarbel Course in Magic vol. 7 English Lorayne, Harry 490 1972 Louis Tannen
492 Afterthoughts English Lorayne, Harry (b. 1926) 144 1975 Harry Lorayne
493 Close-Up Card Magic English Lorayne, Harry (b. 1926) 272 1962 Tannen 1st edi CARDS
494 Close-Up Card Magic English Lorayne, Harry (b. 1926) 272 1962 Tannen 1st edi, 3rd printing CARDS
495 Deck-Sterity English Lorayne, Harry (b. 1926) 160 1967 Tannen 1st edi CARDS
496 Reputation-Makers English Lorayne, Harry (b. 1926) 287 1971 Harry Lorayne 1st edi CARDS
497 Reputation-Makers English Lorayne, Harry (b. 1926) 287 1971 Harry Lorayne 1st edi CARDS
498 Rim Shots English Lorayne, Harry (b. 1926) 148 1973 author CARDS
499 Sällskaps Trolleri Swedish Lorayne, Harry (b. 1926) 310 1980 Spektra AB Oversat fra engelsk af Åke Hallberg
500 Rundt om Cirkus Danish Lorenzen Jørgen 160 1987 Dansk Historisk Håndbogsforlag 1st edi
501 Card Fan-Tasies (1946) English Love, Edward G. 50 1964 CARDS
502 Championship Card Tricks English Lucas, Jerry 81 1973 Grosset& Dunlop
503 Professor TRIBINI - Gøglernes Konge Danish Ludwig, Otto 160 2000 Askholm 1st edi
504 Hur man blir Minnes Konstnär och Sifferakrobat Swedish Lundgren, Gustaf 95 1948 Clas Ohlaon & Co
505 Tankelæsning (1949) Swedish Lundgren, Gustaf 124 1969 Høst & Søn Oversat fra svensk af G. Møller-Hansen
506 Vaudeville Budget English Lustig, David J. (La Vellma 1893-1977) 96 1921 Author GENERAL MAGIC
507 Vaudeville Budget English Lustig, David J. (La Vellma 1893-1977) 96 1921 Author GENERAL MAGIC
508 Gambler´s Don´t Gamble English MacDougall, Michael (b1906) 167 1940 Garden City
509 Hex! English Madsen, Bill; Forgione, Albert G. 109 1969 Jinx
510 Cirkus Danish Madsen, Kurt Møller 191 1964 Fremad
511 Markedsgøgl og Cirkusløjer Danish Madsen, Kurt Møller 239 1970 Lademann
512 Cirkus Kanotski Danish Madsen, Verner Bak 41 1982 Thode
513 Årsbog 1953 Danish Magic Society, Denmark 75 1953 Eget forlag
514 Roliga trollkonster Swedish Mäkelä, Solmu 123 1970 Prisma
515 Taikurin taskukirja Finnish Mäkelä, Solmu 244 1960 Werner Söderström Osakeyhtio Signeret af forfatter til Paul Arland
516 Original magic by Marconick English, German, French Marconick (Heinz Nikolas Stolk b. 1930) 199 1967 author 1st edi Med dustcover
517 Original magic by Marconick English, German, French Marconick (Heinz Nikolas Stolk b. 1930) 199 1967 author 1st edi Uden dustcover
518 Original Magic 3 English, French, German, Dutch Marconick (Heinz Nikolas Stolk b. 1930) 80 1970 Cas G. Ziekman
519 Original Magic 4 English Marconick (Heinz Nikolas Stolk b. 1930) 28 1970 author 1st edi
520 Original Magic 5 English Marconick (Heinz Nikolas Stolk b. 1930) 32 1973 author 1st edi
521 The Cardician (1953) English Marlo, Ed (Edward Malkowski 1913-1991) 190 1953 Ireland
522 The Shank Shuffle English Marlo, Ed (Edward Malkowski 1913-1991) 90 1972 author 2nd printing
523 Frances And Jay Marshall - The Success Book 1 English Marshall, Frances Ireland & Jay Marshall (edi) 200 1973 Magic Inc CLOSE-UP
524 Frances And Jay Marshall - The Success Book 2 English Marshall, Frances Ireland & Jay Marshall (edi) 265 1973 Magic Inc CLOSE-UP
525 Sharps and flats the secrets of cheating (1894) English Maskelyne, John Nevil (1839-1917) 335 1971 Gambler's Book Club GENERAL MAGIC
526 On the Performance of Magic (1911) English Maskelyne, Nevil (1863-1929) 151 1976 Dover
527 Our magic (1911) English Maskelyne, Nevil (1863-1929) & David Devant 311 1946 Fleming Book Company 2nd edi HISTORY AND THEORY
528 The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings English Maxwell, Mike 267 1986 L&L Publishing GENERAL MAGIC
529 48 Kortkunster Danish Melander, Love; Schenkmanis, Ulf 96 1991 Komma & Clausen Oversat fra svensk "48 kortkonster" af Charlotte Pedersen
530 John : Verse Two English Mendoza, John F 137 1980 CLOSE-UP
531 The Book of John - The Close-Up Magic of John Mendoza English Mendoza, John F 137 1978 author 1st edi
532 Another Close-up Cavalcade English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 159 1975 author 1st edi
533 Basic Skill with Cards English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 76 1981 author
534 Card Calvalcade English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 159 1972 author 1st edi
535 Card Calvalcade English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 159 1972 author 1st edi
536 Card Calvalcade II English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 225 1974 author 1st edi
537 Card Calvalcade II English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 225 1974 author 1st edi
538 Card Calvalcade 3 English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 188 1975 author 1st edi
539 Card Calvalcade 3 English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 188 1975 author 1st edi
540 Cards and Cases English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 50 1975 author
541 Close-up Calvalcade English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 165 1973 author 1st edi
542 Close-up Calvalcade English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 165 1975 author 1st edi - 3rd printing
543 Close-up Calvalcade Finale English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 187 1977 author
544 Close Up Cues English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 30 1975 author
545 Club Clues English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 32 1975
546 Eddie Fechter's Dice Holdout Methods for Magicians English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 63 1974 author 1st edi
547 Magician Nitely - The Magic of Eddie Fechter English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 148 1974 author 1st edi
548 Magician Nitely - The Magic of Eddie Fechter English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 148 1974 author 1st edi
549 Magiska Kuperingar, Grepp och FalskRäkninger English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 130 1981 Spektra AB Oversat fra "Counts, Cuts Moves and Subtlety" af Åke Hallberg
550 Magiska Kuperingar, Grepp och FalskRäkninger English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 130 1981 Spektra AB Oversat fra "Counts, Cuts Moves and Subtlety" af Åke Hallberg
551 Master Ball and Silk Manipulation English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 14 1973
552 Multiple Push Thru Control English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 18 1973
553 New and Novel Knowledge English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 59 1975
554 Second Lecture English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 24 1976
555 Silk Potpourri English Mentzer, Jerry (b. 1940) 53 1979
556 Karten-Zauberkunststücke German Mertens, Fritz 94 1965 Verlag A. Pechan 6. oplag
557 Lustige Papierschneidekunst German Mertens, Fritz 62 1960 Verlag A. Pechan 1. oplag
558 Lustige Schattenspiele German Mertens, Fritz 59 1960 Verlag A. Pechan 1. oplag
559 Wir Zaubern German Mertens, Fritz 100 1955 Verlag A. Pechan 2. oplag
560 Wir Zaubern German Mertens, Fritz 100 1955 Verlag A. Pechan 4. oplag
561 Wir Zaubern mit Kunstblumen German Mertens, Fritz 102 1958 Verlag A. Pechan 1. oplag
562 Zauberlehrling German Mertens, Fritz 136 1961 Verlag A. Pechan 2. oplag
563 Zaubern German Mertens, Fritz 168 1955 Verlag A. Pechan 1. oplag
564 Zaubern Schnell Erlernt German Mertens, Fritz 96 1957 Verlag A. Pechan 5. oplag
565 Zaubern Schnell Erlernt German Mertens, Fritz 96 1966 Verlag A. Pechan 8. oplag
566 Fun for the Family English Meyer, Jerome S. 265 1949 Pocke Books 1st printing
567 Zaubergeheimnisse für Kinder German Michalski, Martin; Rübel, Doris 47 1993 Ravensburger
568 A Pocketful of Miracles English Miller, Hugh 128 Harry Stanley
569 Rink's Magic from Holland English Miller, Hugh 255 Harry Stanley
570 Secrets of Gambling English Miller, Hugh 128 Supreme Magic
571 The Art of Eddie Joseph English Miller, Hugh 349 1968 Harry Stanley
572 The Art of Eddie Joseph English Miller, Hugh 343 1978 Supreme Magic
573 The Magic of Roy Baker in Baker's Bonanza English Miller, Hugh 127 Harry Stanley
574 How to do Juggling English Mills, John J. 45 Vampire Press
575 El Globo - lätta trolleritrick som du kan göra själv! Swedish Mörling, Ulf 69 1983 Tidens Förlag Signed by author
576 Magic in the Morris Manor English Morris, Elmer W. Bud 127 1974 Morris Magic & Associates
577 The EIvan Morris Puzzle Book English Morris, EIvan 236 1972 Penguin Books
578 Hjernegymnastik med kombinationer og logik Danish Moscovich, Ivan 63 1988 Clausen Bøger
579 With a Deck in Hand English Narvaez, Amado 39 1978 Micky Hades International
580 Slydini Encores English Nathanson, Leon 157 1966 Slydini Studio of Magic
581 Slydini Encores English Nathanson, Leon 157 1966 Slydini Studio of Magic Indbunden
582 Naturlig Hekseri Danish Naver, Rasmus 62 1955 Rasmus Naver
583 Samsalabim Danish Neco, Hector El 94 1963 Cicero
584 Cirkus Leksikon Danish Nees, Børge 147 1983
585 Magic and Showmanship - a handbook for conjurers English Nelms, Henning 322 1969 Dover
586 Comedy Mentalism volume II English Nelson, Robert Alan 60 1963 Nelson Enterprises
587 Comedy Mentalism volume II English Nelson, Robert Alan 63 1964 Nelson Enterprises
588 Encyclopedia of Mentalism and Allied Arts English Nelson, Robert Alan 139 1960 Nelson Enterprises 3rd printing
589 Encyclopedia of Mentalism and Allied Arts English Nelson, Robert Alan 128 1971 Micky Hades International 5th printing, revised and expanded edtion
590 Encyclopedia of Mentalism and Allied Arts English Nelson, Robert Alan 134 1945 Nelson Enterprises 2nd printing Indbunden
591 The Nelson Master Course of Hypnotism English Nelson, Robert Alan 54 1971 Micky Hades Enterprises
592 Tokyo Trickery English Nemoto, Takeshi 86 1967 Magic, Inc.
593 Zauber im Gesellschaftskreise German Neumann-Karlsberg, Paul 173 J.J. Weber/Leipzig
594 The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft & Magic English Newall, Venetia 192 1974 A & W Visual Library
595 Character Monologues and how to perform them English Newman, Bernard 120 1926 C. Arthur Pearson
596 Trollare och andra underhållare Swedish Nilsson, Christer 288 1990 Spektra AB
597 Tha Magic Formulæ of Denmark Danish Ohrt, F 540 1917 Gyldendalske Boghandel, Nordisk Forlag 1st edi
598 Danmarks trylleformler Danish Ohrt, F 142 1921 Gyldendalske Boghandel, Nordisk Forlag
599 Selskabstrylleri Danish Olai, Fritz 32 1946 Winthers Forlag
600 Carl Rosini his Life and his Magic English Olson, Robert 96 1981 Magic, Inc.
601 The Added Tocuh - a book on sleight of hand English Olson, Robert 38 1963 Abbott's Magic
602 On With the Show English Orrin, J F 88 1943 The Magic Wand 1st edi
603 Fingertip Fantasies English Ostin, Bob 88 1968 Goodliffe 1st edi 2 stk.
604 Hypnose & Selvhypnose Danish Ousby, William J 166 2001 DA oversæt
605 DieGewait des Hypnotiseurs German Otten, Dr. med. 96 0 Bartles, Berlin
606 Practical Telepathy English Ovette, Joseph 118 1924 Reilly, Chicago 1st edi
607 Tricks and Illusionettes English Ovette, Joseph 32 1944 Robbins, New York 1st edi
608 150 Comedy Props English Page, Patrick 160 1977 Patrick Page
609 The Big Book of MAGIC English Page, Patrick 304 1976 Wolfe, London 1st edi
610 The Topit Handbook English Page, Patrick 16 1969 Davenport Signeret
611 The Magic of Pavel English Pavel 139 1971 Supreme
612 Spillebog for Hus, Hjem og Kro Danish Pedersen, Sigfred 212 1976 Chr. Erichsens Forlag
613 Cruel Tricks for dear Friends English Penn & Teller 206 1089 Villard Books, New York 1st edi
614 How To play With Your Food English Penn & Teller 216 1992 Villard Books, New York 1st edi
615 Den store tryllebog Danish Permin, Ib 112 1968 Høst&Søns Forlag 1st edi
616 Hokus Pokus Danish Permin, Ib 48 1959 Høst&Søns Forlag
617 Nem hokus pokus med kort Danish Permin, Ib 48 1970 Høst&Søns Forlag 1st edi
618 700 Danske Ordsprog Danish Petersen Robert Storm 159 1973 S V press
619 The magic of Francis Carlyle English Pierre, Roger 186 1975 Nightmare Alley productions
620 Hokus Pokus og en knude på maven Danish Poulsen Flemming Madsen 72 1998 Attika
621 The First Addendum to Wonderful Routines... English Poland, Ellison 80 1973 EWP Press 1st edi
622 Wonderful Rouyines of Magic English Poland, Ellison 252 1969 University Ptess, Massachusetts 1st edi
623 The Whole Art of Ventriloquism English Prince Arthur 94 1938 Aladin House, London
624 Uri Geller Danish Puharich Andrija 275 1974 Rosenkilde og Bagger Oversat
625 Arch Triumphs English Racherbaumer, Jon 44 1978 Magic Limited
626 The Lost Pages of the Kabbala English Racherbaumer, Jon 98 1981 Danny Korem
627 Magic for Fun English Radner, Sidney H. 83 1956 Padell Book Company
628 Radner on Dice English Radner, Sidney H. 96 1957 Key Publishing Company
629 Houdini - His Life and Art English Randi, The Amazing (James); Sugar, Bert Randolph 191 1976 Grosset & Dunlap
630 The Magic of uri Geller as Revealed by The Amazing Randi English Randi, The Amazing (James) 308 1975 allantine Books
631 Folding Money Volume 2 English Randlett, Samuel 127 1968 Magic Inc. SB
632 The Life and Times of Augustus Rapp the small town Showman English Rapp, Augustus 137 1959 Ireland Magic Co. SB
633 En Badutspringers Erindringer Danish Rasmussen, Aage 96 1968 Fremad
634 Hokus Pokus i 65 år Danish Rasmussen, Aage 54 1974 Aladdin Magic Co.
635 Tankelæsningstricks Danish Rasmussen, Axel 12 1949 Axel Rasmussen
636 The Magicians Code English Ramsussen, Mads; Jensen, André S. 220 2011 Ace of Awesome Prod.
637 Tryllekunstens Gyldne Bog Danish Rawson, Clayton 104 1965 Fremad
638 Sjov med Kort Danish Ray, Conny 32 1992 Carlsen
639 Thanks to Pepys ... English Read, Bob 60 1973 Bob Read SB
640 Your Book of Magic English Rensselaer, Alexander van 48 1966 Latimer Trend & Co. Ltd.
641 Rice's Encyclopedia of Silk Magic Vol. 1 English Rice, Harold R. 520 1948 Silk King Studios
642 Rice's Encyclopedia of Silk Magic Vol. 2 English Rice, Harold R. 522 1953 Silk King Studios
643 Rice's Encyclopedia of Silk Magic Vol. 3 English Rice, Harold R. 1056 1962 Silk King Studios
644 141 Magic Tricks English Ripley, Sherman 127 1973 Sentinel Books Publishers Inc.
645 Everybody's Book of Magic English Robbins, Barry 128 P.M. Productions Ltd.
646 En Magikers Erindringer Danish Robert-Houdin, Jean Eugène 307 1998 Pegani
647 Memoirs of Robert-Houdin - King of the Conjurers English Robert-Houdin, Jean Eugène 336 1964 Dover Publications Inc.
648 Card and Conjuring Tricks English Roberts, Charles; Crayford, Charles 154 W. Foulham & Co. Ltd.
649 Card Modes English Robertson, Robin 66 1983 Micky Hades International SB
650 Zaubereien, Kartenkunststüche und andere Unterhaltungen German Robin, Robert 96 1940 Rudolph'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung
651 Der Zauber-Salon German Robin, Robert 183 C. U. Koch's Verlagsbuchhandlung
652 The Complete Mike Rogers English Rogers, Mike 249 1975 Magic Inc.
653 Den lille Paparbejder Danish Rom, N. C. 123 1881 N. C. Roms Forlagsforretning
654 Der Kartenkünstler German Rosanelli, G. 64 1941 Verlag von G. Danner
655 Magical Gems English Rosini, Paul 68 1950 W. F. (Rufus) Steele
656 Sjove Tricks Danish Roth, Paul 48 1963 Kemper Verlag
657 Moderne Wunder German Rudolph, Carl 60 R. Rühles artist. Verlag
658 Card Party English Rutledge, Ned; Thompson, J. G. 70 1965 Beaver Springs
659 Sleight of Hand (1946) English Sachs, Edwin Thomas (?-1910) 400 1946 Fleming Book Company 4th edi GENERAL MAGIC
660 Sleight of Hand (1946) English Sachs, Edwin Thomas (?-1910) 408 1980 Dover Publications, Inc. 1st edi GENERAL MAGIC
661 2000 More Insults English Safian, Louis A. 192 1967 Castle Books
662 Price-less Magic English Sanderson, George P. (1904-1986) 115 1981 Micky Hades International
663 The Concealed Art of Magic English Sanderson, George P. (1904-1986) 174 1972 Goodliffe UK 1st edi GENERAL MAGIC
664 The Concealed Art of Magic English Sanderson, George P. (1904-1986) 174 1972 Goodliffe UK 1st edi Missing dustjacket GENERAL MAGIC
665 Where Houdini Was Wrong English Sardina, Maurice (1891-1977) 123 1950 The Magic Wand Publishing Co. Translated from French (Les "Erreurs" de Harry Houdini) by Victor Farelli
666 Verden rundt med flagrende kjoleskøder Danish Saxburger, Heinz 256 2002 Toptryk Grafisk Bogforlag 1st edi Signed
667 100 of Scarne´s Magic Tricks (1951) English Scarne, John (Orlando Carmelo Scarnecchia 1903-1985) 119 1965 Cornerstone Library
668 Scarne on Card Tricks (1950) English Scarne, John (Orlando Carmelo Scarnecchia 1903-1985) 308 1952 Crown Publishers 2nd edi CARDS
669 Scarne on Cards (1949, revised 1965) English Scarne, John (Orlando Carmelo Scarnecchia 1903-1985) 433 1973 New American Library 1st Revised edi CARDS
670 Scarne´s Magic Tricks (1951) English Scarne, John (Orlando Carmelo Scarnecchia 1903-1985) 256 1951 Crown Publishers, Inc. 1st
671 Physikalische Phaenomene des Mediumismus German Schenk-Notzing, Dr. A. Freiherrn v. 201 1920 Verlag von Ernst Reinhardt
672 Presto! Magic for the Beginner English Schindler, George 192 1977 Reiss Publishing 1st
673 Ventriloquism - Magic with Your Voice English Schindler, George 149 1979 David McKay Company, Inc. 1st
674 Tryllekunstneren Danish Schumacher, Alex. 96 1945 Jespersen og Pios Forlag
675 Tryllekunstneren Danish Schumacher, Alex. 103 E. Jespersens Forlag
676 Tryllekunstneren Danish Schumacher, Alex. 103 E. Jespersens Forlag
677 Tryllekunstneren + Kortkunstneren Danish Schumacher, Alex. 96 Jespersen og Pios Forslag Two books in one
678 Din & Min Cirkus Danish Schumann, Benny (b. 1945) 93 1991 Klematis 1st edi
679 Die Kunst Frauen zu Zersägen German Seldow, Michael 248 1964 Gustav Lübbe Verlag Original French title: Les Illusiounistes et leurs Secrets
680 Best Sellers English Sellers, Tom 175 1980 The Supreme Magic Co. Ltd.
681 The Secret Lore of Magic (1957) English Shah, Sayed Idries 317 1972 Abacus
682 Expert Card Conjuring (1968) + Expert Card Chicanery (1976) English Sharpe, Alton (b.1924) 141 1976 author CARDS
683 Expert Card Mysteries English Sharpe, Alton C. (b.1924) 195 1969 author 1st lim edi No. 661 CARDS
684 Expert Hocus Pocus English Sharpe, Alton C. (b.1924) 173 1973 author 2nd edi GENERAL MAGIC
685 The Magic Play English Sharpe, Sam H. 150 1976 Magic, Inc.
686 Sharp Sorcery English Sharps, Les (George & Alfed Sharples) 76 1977 The Supreme Magic Co. Ltd.
687 My Kind of Magic English Shaxon, Alan (b.1933) 77 1970 Goodlife Publication GENERAL MAGIC
688 The Circuited Sorcerer English Sherwood, John C. 82 1977 Micky Hades International
689 Nine Modern Classics English Shute, Merlyn T. 84 1980 Morrissey Magic Ltd.
690 Out of your pocket English Shute, Merlyn T. 47 1982 Morrissey Magic Ltd.
691 The Little Things English Shute, Merlyn T. 50 1982 Morrissey Magic Ltd.
692 Mentalism a la Mode' English Siegel, Paul J. 50 1975 Micky Hades International
693 Hekseri og overtro gennem tiderne Danish Sieverfs, William 341 1941 Ivars Forlag
694 Silence In Slow Motion English Silva, Leonardo 51 2003 Author
695 The World of Puppets (1972) English Simmen, René 135 1975 Elsevier-Phaidon Translated from German
696 Effective Card Magic English Simon, Bill 181 1952 Louis Tannen
697 The Collected Works of J. Stewart Smith: The Top of the Deck (1950) One More Thought on Cards (1955) Further Thought on Cards (1960) The Wave of the Hand (1960) It Just Happens (1961) It Can Be Magic (1963) The Lonely Quest (1964) Silent Evidence (1965) T English Smith, J. Stewart 0 Micky Hades International
698 The Magic of Willard S. Smith English Smith, Willard S. 147 1981 Micky Hades International Spiralbound
699 Dramatisk Hjælpebog Danish Sommer, Peter 69 1875 B. Bios Forlag
700 Sorcar on Magic English Sorcar, P. C. 288 1960 Indrajal Publications 1st
701 Sorcar: Maharajah of Magic English Sorcar, P. C. 126 1966 All India Magic Circle
702 Die verhexte Westentasche German Sperling, Walter 159 1948 Albert Müller Verlag
703 Hokus Pokus Fidibus German Sperling, Walter 174 1951 Paulus Verlag Recklinghausen
704 Ich lerne zaubern (1960) German Sperling, Walter 159 1964 Fackelverlag 2nd edi
705 Tusen Tidsfördriv Swedish Sperling, Walter 255 1945 Tidens Förlag Original title: 1000 kleine Wunder
706 Spinoza's Tryllebog Danish Spinoza 93 1982 Høst & Søn Signed
707 Spinoza's Tryllebog Danish Spinoza 93 1982 Høst & Søn
708 Die Mysterien des Hellsehens! German Stadthagen, Alb. 74 Ficker's Verlag 3rd edi
709 Can you hear me, mother? English Stanley, Harry 191 1975 Jupiter Books
710 Card Tricks for Everyone (1968) English Stanyon, Ellis 141 1971 Emerson Books, Inc. 3rd edi
711 Magic: Book One (Volumes 1 to 4, 1900 to 1904) English Stanyon, Ellis 1996 Kaufman and Greenberg 1st edi No. 102 of 500
712 Magic: Book Three (Volumes 11 to 15, 1910 to 1920) English Stanyon, Ellis 1996 Kaufman and Greenberg 1st edi
713 Magic: Book Two (Volumes 5 to 10, 1904 to 1910) English Stanyon, Ellis 1996 Kaufman and Greenberg 1st edi
714 Stanyon's Serial Lessons in Conjuring (1899-1910) English Stanyon, Ellis 1996 Kaufman and Greenberg 1st edi
715 Scenemagi Danish Steinmetz, Ingo 1980 Drama
716 Riesen Karsten Zauber/Giant Magic Cards German/English Stelzel, Christian 37 1975 Piatnik Two languages
717 Litet Trolleri Lexikon A-Ø Swedish Stenman, B. 183 1952
718 Steranko on Cards English Steranko, James 102 1960 Reland Magic Company
719 75 Tricks with a Svengali Deck English Stevenson, Al 40 1964 Haines House of Cards
720 Cirkus Cavalcade Danish Stockmarr, Erik 64 1950 Berlingske Forlag
721 Schule der Zaubertricks German Stolina, Otto 112 Bergwald-Verlag
722 Natural Magic English Strachan, Francoise 128 1974 Marshall Cavendish Publications
723 Zauberkunst German Stumpf, Hans-Gerhard 136 1956 Magischen Zirkel, Saalfeld
724 Zauberei am Biertisch German Stutz, F. E. 122 1972
725 Tricks and Magic Made Easy English Summers, Edward 188 1919 Grosset & Dunlap
726 The History of Witchcraft English Summers, Montague 353 1956 University Books, Inc.
727 Trylle-Soirée Danish Sveltesso, Signor 60 1903 Jens Møllers Forlag
728 Trylle-Soirée + Ich kann zaubern Danish + German Sveltesso, Signor + Conradi, S. W. 63 1903 Jens Møllers Forlag + Verlag von G. Danner Two books in one
729 Trolleri som hobby Swedish Svensk Magisk Cirkel 310 1978 Bokförlaget Spektra AB
730 Trolleri: En hobby för alla Swedish Syskind, Povl 148 1970 Rabén & Sjögren
731 Tryllebogen Danish Syskind, Povl 188 1969 Berlingske Forlag
732 Harry Price Ghost-Hunter English Tabori, Paul 303 1974 Sphere Books Limited reprint 1950
733 Hokus Pokus - komedie i fokus Danish Tanaka, Beatrice 92 1979 Lademann Forlagsaktieselskab Original title: Les Trois Coups (1974)
734 Tarbell Course in Magic vol. 1 English Tarbell, Harlan 408 1953 Louis Tannen
735 Tarbell Course in Magic vol. 2 English Tarbell, Harlan 407 1946 Louis Tannen 3rd printing (1st printing 1942)
736 Tarbell Course in Magic vol. 3 English Tarbell, Harlan 416 1946 Louis Tannen 3rd printing (1st printing 1943)
737 Tarbell Course in Magic vol. 4 English Tarbell, Harlan 416 1949 Louis Tannen 2nd printing (1st printing 1945)
738 Tarbell Course in Magic vol. 5 English Tarbell, Harlan 417 1948 Louis Tannen
739 Tarbell Course in Magic vol. 6 English Tarbell, Harlan 409 1954 Louis Tannen
740 Heitere Zauberkunst German Tauer-Turmi, Erich 120 1971 Author
741 Magic to Delight English Thompson, J. G. Jr. 124 1970 Tannen Publications
742 My Best English Thompson, J. G. Jr. 384 1945 Louis Tannen
743 The Living End English Thompson, J. G. Jr. 165 Haines House of Cards
744 The Miracle Makers English Thompson, J. G. Jr. 306 1975 Magic Limited
745 Top Secrets of Magic English Thompson, J. G. Jr. 127 1956 Gene Gordon
746 Top Secrets of Magic Volume 2 English Thompson, J. G. Jr. 256 1967 M. S. Messinger Printing
747 Top Secrets of Magic Volume 3 English Thompson, J. G. Jr. 380 1968 R. J. Bojalad Printing Co., Inc.
748 100 More Tricks You Can Do English Thurston, Howard 120 1932 C. Arthur Pearson Ltd.
749 400 Tricks You Can Do English Thurston, Howard 186 1940 Blue Ribbon Books
750 Tallenes magi Danish Tiedemann, Anker 159 1998 Høst & Søn
751 The Complete Home Entertainer English Tinling, C. 512 Author
752 Videnskabelige Adspredelser Danish Tissandier, Gaston 323 1882 Alb. Cammermeyer
753 Åttio kort konster Swedish Topelius, Christer 88 1972 Piccolo
754 Bugtaleri Danish Topp, Leo 95 Author
755 Nu ska vi trolla Swedish Torello, Max 93 1971 Author
756 Magicana of Havana in New York English Torre, Jose de la 80 1975 Joe's Studio
757 The Amazing Book of Card Tricks English Tremaine, Jon 125 1999 Bramley Books
758 100 Schnurrpfeifereien German Tromholt, Sophus 112 Philipp Reclam
759 Nick Trost's Subtle Card Magic Part One English Trost, Nick 35 1976 Trik-Kard Specialties
760 Nick Trost's Subtle Card Magic Part Two English Trost, Nick 35 1976 Trik-Kard Specialties
761 und heute wird gezaubert German Trunk, Hans 77 1947 Author
762 en hilsen fra jubilaren Danish Truxa, Erik 81 Author
763 Trolla med Truxa Swedish Truxa, Erik 149 1970 ICA-förlaget
764 Truxa Trix Danish Truxa, Erik 79 1967 Stig Vendelkærs Forlag
765 TRUXA'S tryllebok Norwegian Truxa, Erik 114 1969 Chr. Schibsteds Forlag
766 Truxas Tryllebog Danish Truxa, Erik 160 1969 Politikens Forlag
767 Tryl med Truxa 2 Danish Truxa, Erik 72 1993 Borgen 1st edition
768 Tryl med Truxa 3 Danish Truxa, Erik 77 1995 Borgen 1st edition
769 Trix med Truxa Danish Truxa, Erik (Bang, Erik) 78 Nyt Nordisk Forlag
770 Trixa med Truxa Swedish Truxa, Erik (Bang, Erik) 63 Best-Seller
771 Jeg var dus med Aanderne Danish Türck, Sven 216 1945 Steen Hasselbachs Forlag
772 Gøglere og Godtfolk Danish Tønsberg, Jeppe 72 1983 Strandbergs Forlag
773 Gøgler af Guds nåde Danish Vedel, Jon 256 1992 Borgen 1st edition
774 Here Comes the Circus English Verney, Peter 287 1978 Paddington Press Ltd.
775 Malini and His Magic English Vernon, Dai 108 Harry Stanley
776 Further Magic of the Hands English Victor, Edward 103 1945 Author
777 Further Magic of the Hands English Victor, Edward 112 1946 Max Holden
778 More Magic of the Hands English Victor, Edward 132 Louis Tannen
779 The Stealing Machine ENglish Villiod, Eugène 221 1976 Gambler's Book Club
780 Der rothe Teufel im Salon German Voigt, Bernhard Friedrich 241 1874 Verlag von B. F. Voigt
781 Das Becherspiel German Volkman, Kurt 36 1954 Magischen Zirkel von Deutschland
782 Miniature Mysteries with Cards English Walker, Barbara 166 1980 Magic Ltd.
783 Happy Magic English Waller, Charles 62 1932 George Johnson
784 Why You Can't Win English Walsh, Audley V. 44 1972 Gambler's Book Club
785 Experiments in Telepathy English Warcollier, René 250 1939 George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
786 The New Wiles of a Wizard English Ward the Wizard 68 1982 Micky Hades International reprint 1967
787 Patterns for Psychics English Warlock, Peter 76 Academy of Recorded Crafts, Arts and Sciences Limited
788 Plans for Deception English Warlock, Peter 88 1942 George Johnson
789 The Complete Book of Magic English Warlock, Peter 141 Abbey Library
790 Warlock's Way English Warlock, Peter 128 1978 Supreme Magic reprint 1968
791 Magically Yours English Wass, Verrall 146 1953 George Armstrong
792 48 der besten Zauberkunststücke German Waster, Hans-Werner 136 1961 Verlag Adalbert Pechan
793 The Encyclopedia of Magic and Magicians English Waters, T. A. 372 1988 Facts On File Publications
794 Pyrotechnics English Weingart, George W. 244 1947 Chemical Publishing Company, Inc.
795 40 Roliga Kvällar Swedish Werner, Einar 104 1940 Åhlén & Åkerlunds Förlag
796 Den Store Barnum Danish Werner, M. R. 278 1937 Rasmus Navers Forlag
797 Superkræfter og sjove forsøg Danish Weyland, Jack 80 1992 Fremad
798 It's Fun Finding Out English Wicksteed, Bernard 187 1947 The Daily Express
799 Methods for Miracles No. 11 English Willane (Lane, William H.) 24 Willane
800 Tankekraft i affärs- och hverdagslifvet Swedish William Walker Atkinson (1862-1932) 120 Psykologiska Forlag
801 Lights! Cameras! Magic! English Williams, Dick & Virginia 202 1994 Samuel Patrick Smith
802 Das Programm eines modernen Zauberkünstlers German Willmann, Carl 152 Vereinigte Zauberapparate-Fabrik Bartl & Willmann
803 Det nittende Aarhundredes Tryllekunst Danish Willmann, Carl 80 1894 J. L. Wulffs Forlag
804 Kortkunstneren Danish Willmann, Carl 67 1884 V. Pio's Forlag
805 Moderne Mirakler Danish Willmann, Carl 127 1887 Wm. L. Wulffs Boghandel
806 Moderne Salon-Magie German Willmann, Carl 460 1891 Otto Spamer
807 Moderne Wunder Geman Willmann, Carl 319 1892 Otto Spamer
808 Fun with a Handkerchief English Willmarth, Philip Reed 64 1969 Magic, Inc.
809 The Magic of Matt Schulien English Willmarth, Philip Reed 169 1959 Ireland Magic Co. 1st edition
810 Die zersägte Jungfrau German Wilsmann, Dr. Aloys Christof 224 1938 Verlag Scherl Berlin
811 Myserious Powers + Spirits and Spirit Worlds English Wilson, Colin + Stemman, Roy 144 1975 Aldus Books Limited Two books in one
812 Trylleryllebogen Danish Wyler, Rose; Ames, Gerald 64 1970 Høst & Søn oversat efter Magic Secrets
813 Magic English Yam, Ho 136 Louis Tannen
814 Fun with Card Tricks English Yeager, John 29 1979 Micky Hades International
815 Further Magic with Dots English Yeager, John 31 1982 Micky Hades International
816 More Fun with Card Tricks English Yeager, John 29 1983 Micky Hades International
817 More Magic with Dots English Yeager, John 25 1979 Micky Hades International
818 En yogis selvbiografi 1 Danish Yogananda, Paramahansa 304 1975 Borgen 2nd edition
819 En yogis selvbiografi 2 Danish Yogananda, Paramahansa 314 1975 Borgen 2nd edition
820 400 Traveling Salesmen's Jokes English Youngman, Henny 124 1966 Gramercy Publishing Company
821 How Do You Like Me So Far? English Youngman, Henny 127 1963 Gramercy Publishing Company
822 Magic Handbook English Youngquist, Art 160 1961 Science and Mechanics Publishing Company
823 Divers Deceits English Zavis, William 81 1973 Goodlife
824 Mitt liv i trolleriets värld Swedish Zay-Mé & Zuzette 167 1992 Author
825 Handbuch der Magie German Zmeck, Jochen 341 1978 Henschelverlag Kunst und Gesellschaft
826 Zaubertricks - Das grosse Buch der Magie German Zmeck, Jochen 244 1968 Henschelverlag Kunst und Gesellschaft
827 Svensk Bibliografi för Trollkarlar Swedish Åkerlind-Casino, Jonnie 72 1963 Svensk Maisk Cirkels Förlag
828 Sælg dig selv Danish Ångström, A. H. 80 1969 Nordisk Bogproduktion
830 Drømmebogen Danish Napoli, Il Mago di 272 1954 Grafisk Forlag Oversat fra italiensk efter "Lo Spiegatore Dei Sogni"
831 Booklets, Notes and Lectures
832 Cabaret Card Magic English Abbott's Bill 20 2008 Bill Abbott's
833 Arabian tent Illusion English Abbott, Percy 4 0 Abbott Magic Mfg. Company
834 Barrel & Broom Illusion English Abbott, Percy 2 0 Abbott Magic Mfg. Company
835 ESCAPES, secret Workings for Handcuffs, Padlocks, Strait Jackets Ect. English Abbott, Percy 51 1955 Abbott Magic Mfg. Company
836 Hut-lade-Methoden German Abbott, Percy 24 50 Verlag Magische Welt Oversat fra "Hat Loading Methods"
837 15 Grosse Illusionen German Abbott, Percy 20 50 Verlag Magische Welt Oversat fra "15 Great Illusions
838 Nachtklub-Illusionen German Abbott, Percy 28 50 Verlag Magische Welt Oversat fra "Night Club illusions and Illusionettes"
839 Flash Magic English Abbott, Percy 8 0 Abbott Magic Mfg. Company
840 Occidental and Oriental Mysteries English Abbott, Percy 64 1934 Abbott Magic Mfg. Company
841 Effects from The Magic Mafia English Ackerman, Allan 40 1970 Allan Ackerman
842 Mental Magic (Course Two) English Adair, Ian 22 1961 Supreme Magic Co "Six Courses on Magic"
843 Illusions (course Three) English Adair, Ian 22 1961 Supreme Magic Co "Six Courses on Magic"
844 Novel Notions English Adair, Ian 48 1981 Supreme Magic Co
845 Pot-Pourri English Adair, Ian 20 60 Supreme Magic Co
846 Dancing Hanks English Adams Ralph 4 1981 Supreme Magic Co (trick desdription)
847 Lecture - Notes Swedish Agdur, Ulf 14 1978 Ulf Agdur
848 Magic in Istanbul English And, Metin 68 1978 Micky Hades International
849 Party Trix a la Carte English Albright, Howard P 10 0 Abbott Magic Mfg. Company
850 Super Sensitive Fingertips English Albright, Howard P 18 0 Supreme Magic Co
851 Tryl Selv Danish Alakazam, Henri and Ann 14 0 Kellogs Reklame fra Kellogs
852 Aldini's Lecture Notes English Aldini 12 0 Magic Limited, Oakland
853 Lecture Notes Denmark 2005 English AliBongo 5 2005 AliBongo
854 The Magic of Ronal English Allesi, Ron 48 1977 Micky Hades International
855 Gilbreath Swedish Alexander 8 1979 Note fra "Alexander"
856 Den Store Troldmand Danish Alexander, N 58 0 Sidst 18 hundredetallet, 2xpl
857 Discovery of Witchcraft English Alexander, Neil 32 1998 Neil Alexander, London
858 Magic in Istanbul English And, Metin 68 1978 Micky Hades International
859 Udbrydning Danish Andersen, Lars 6 0 Lars Andersen
860 13 Effekter (paper magic) Danish Andersen, Thorkild 18 1948 COBE Købehavn (senere 13 Toki Yen effekter)
861 Spekulator Danish Andersen, Willy 72 1967 Forlaget Mikro
862 SI STEBBINS Card Routine English Anderson, Gene 6 1988 Gene Anderson
863 Newspaper Trick English Anderson, Gene 26 1975 Gene Anderson 2 xpl.
864 It Must be MINDREADING English Anderson, Georg 57 1949 The Ireland magic Company, Chicago 2 xpl den ene med små noter
865 Die Symphonie der Asse German Andra, Rolf 17 1957
866 Zauber der Asse (neue 4-es tricks) German Andra, Rolf 32 1965
867 Making a Living in Magic English Andrews, Carl, Jr 38 1999 Carl Andrews 2 xpl.
868 Sixteen Card Index Gems English Andrews, Max 38 1943 Max Andrews
869 Sixteen Thumb Tie Gems English Andrews, Max 50 0 Max Holden
870 Cirkus Magic English Andrews, Val 18 60 Supreme Magic
871 Houdini Broadcasts English Andrews, Val 22 1981 Micky Hades International
872 How Do You Doodle? English Andrews, Val 21 0 Supreme Magic
873 More Doodles English Andrews. Val 20 0 Supreme Magic
874 How to Give a Magic Lecture English Andrews, Val 27 1979 Micky Hades International
875 Spook-Show-Stoppers English Andrews, Val 17 0 Supreme Magic
876 The Idiot at The Card Table English Andrews, Val 14 0 Supreme Magic
877 A Practocal Guide to Ventriloquism English Andrews, Val 33 1977 Micky Hades International
878 You're on Your Own English Andrews, Val 14 0 Supreme Magic
879 Five Dollar Trix English Andrus, Jerry 52 1973 J A Enterprises, Oregon
880 202 methods of Forcing English Annemann, Theo 48 0 Davenport, London 2 xpl. Build on 101 Methods
881 Complete One Man Mental and Psychic Routine English Annemann, Theo 24 0 Tannen, New York (articles from Sphinx 1920 - 309
882 EN RAPPORT English Annemann, Theo 24 1937 Max Holden 2 xpl
883 Mental Bargain Effects English Annemann, Theo 16 0 Unknown Print
884 Mental Mysteries English Annemann, Theo 24 1944 Stage Magic Burling Hull - patter and illustrations
885 SH-H-H-H- - It's a Secret English Annemann, Theo 50 0 Davenport, London 2 xpl
886 Lecture (sketches) Dutch Anverdi 32 1964 Anverdi 2 xpl.
887 Geeft College Dutch Anverdi 32 1962 Anverdi Sketches without text (3 stk)
888 Anverdi's Miracles with Liquids English Anverdi 44 1965 Anverdi
889 Tricks of The Trade English Armstrong, George 23 1946 Magic Wand from Magic Wand Year Book 1946/
890 BLACK a book of deception & psychology English Army, Dan 81 2007 Dan Army
891 Magical Originalia English Arrowsmith, G. E. 68 1943
892 Lecture notes 99 French Tour English Asher, Lee 15 1999 Lee Asher
893 Pulp Friction (Lecture notes) English Asher, Lee 15 2000 Lee Asher
894 Sex Sells English Asher, Lee 16 1998 Lee Asher
895 Thinking Out Loud English Asher, Lee 16 1998 Lee Asher
896 Automatisk Rep Norwegian Bai, Kurt 5 196 Kurt Bai Klip fra Kurt Bais Trylleskole
897 Tankeoverføring Norwegian Bai, Kurt 5 196 Kurt Bai
898 Idé-Boken Norwegian Bai, Kurt 76 1967 Kurt Bai
899 Lynkurs i hukommelsesteknik Norwegian Bai, Kurt 57 196 Kurt Bai
900 Novel Mysteries (miscelleneous magic) English Bagshave, Edvard 33 0 Edv. Bagshave UK part 5 fra serien side 167 - 200)
901 EGG BAG and FOUR ACE English Bagshave, Edvard 28 0 Davenport, London
902 An Introduction to Magic English Barrows, Jack 94 1979 Micky Hades International 2 xpl.
903 Magic Won English Barrows, Jack 89 1978 Micky Hades International
904 Lecture Notes English Bauer, Ron 19 0
905 Siamese Signatures and Other Oddities English Bedwell, Steve 23 1997 Steve Bedwell Lecture from MCD NOV 97
906 Parked card and Other Manoeuvres English Bedwell, Steve 16 1997 Steve Bedwell Lecture from MCD NOV 97
907 Cups and Balls Vol 3, A Beginning in Magic English Behnke, Leo 30 1990 Magic City
908 Flash Paper Vol 19, A Beginning in Magic English Behnke, Leo 25 1991 Magic City
909 Spelbok-Serie nr. 4 - TROLLERI Swedish Beité, Iso 30 1944
910 HOLEFLIGHT Swedish Beme, Sixten 7 1983 Sixten Beme
911 Inside Magic English Bell, Bob 52 1979 Micky Hades International
912 Sleight of Phone, lecture note MCD English Benatar, Rafael 14 199 Rafael Benatar
913 Downs Palm Technique English Bennett, Horace 17 1981 Jerry Mentzer
914 ZERO GRAVITY English Bent, Mike 10 1997 Mike Bent Xpl 3988, Complete step-by-step Instruktions
915 Jardine Ellis Ring on Stick, Ring on Rope English Bey, Mohammed 8 0 Louis Tannen
916 Fu Manchu's No-Assistent Floating Ball English Bey, Mohammed 5 0
917 Commercial Card Magic English Blake, George 50 1969 George Blake
918 More Master Magic English Blake, George 48 1964 George Blake
919 Midway magic English Boles, Don 51 1963 Don Boles
920 GOSPELL English Berg, Harvey A 19 1998 Harvey A. Berg A mental card effect
921 INTERCEPT English Berg, Harvey A 15 1997 Harvey A. Berg A mental card effect
922 SLEIGHT OF MIND English Berg, Harvey A 40 1997 Harvey A. Berg New peinciple for mental card effects
923 WANDERINGS English Berg, Harvey A 30 1997 Harvey A. Berg Collection of mental card effects
924 David Berglas File No 1 English Berglas, David 48 1976 IBM Signeret xpl.
925 The Book of Routines no. 1 English Berland, samuel 32 1950 Samuel Berland 2 xpl.
926 Berland's Tricks and Routines English Berland, samuel 24 1970 Samuel Berland
927 Berland Tricks for Today and Tomorrow English Berland, samuel 32 1970 Samuel Berland
928 Tricks with Watches English Berland, samuel 64 1942 Samuel Berland
929 Lecture Notes English Bernard, Bobby 10 0 Bobby Bernard
930 Couples English Bernstein, Bruce 8 1970 Paul Curry 1970 - 79
931 Eclipse Effects English Berry, Jay Scott 20 1990 CSI
932 Illusioneering English Berry, Jay Scott 17 2003 Jay Scott Berry Lecture notes
933 The Genesis Scrolls English Berry, Jay Scott 20 1989 CSI 2 xpl. inkl. the Clip
934 PLAYMAGIC English Binarelli, Tony 20 1979 Mickey Hades International
935 Class Act English Binarelli, Tony 12 0 Rovtryk
936 Lecture Notes on "Ways & Means" English Bishop, Ron 14 0 Ron Bishop
937 50 Magic tricks English Bixby, Bill 22 0 TV MAGIC LTD Small bar tricks
938 Stripper Kort Danish Bjørn, Jens 11 1993 Jens Bjørn
939 More Master Magic English Blake, George 77 1975 Mickey Hades International
940 Magic With Origami English Bolt, Ray 30 1079 British Origami Society
941 The Little Secrets English Bonville, Frank 48 1904 Gambler's Book Club LA New print from 1996
942 Magical Mentalism English Booth, John 32 1931 The Seagers Press
943 Karl Fulves og venner Danish Bornstein, David 33 1980 TOPPs Forlag Illegal copies
944 Korttricks Danish Bornstein, David 17 1978 TOPPs Forlag Illegal copies (+ xpl. A5)
945 MØNTtricks Danish Bornstein, David 40 1977 TOPPs Forlag Illegal Copies (+ xpl. A5)
946 Lecture Notes (MCD 1994) English Bossi, Vanni 22 1992 Vanni Bossi
947 Blindfold Miracle Stab English Boyar, Vynn 4 0 Vynn Boyar
948 Tricks ans Treats English Braude, Ben B. 37 0 Haines House of Cards
949 Lu Brent's Best Magic tricks English Brent, Lu 43 1969 Mickey Hades International
950 Lu Brent's Best Magic tricks, vol 2 English Brent, Lu 46 1974 Mickey Hades International
951 Lu Brent's Best Magic tricks, vol 3 English Brent, Lu 52 1980 Mickey Hades International
952 Pulling Ahead With Your Magic English Bridwell, Jack 20 1982 Mickey Hades International
953 DINKUM MAGIC English Briggs, Albert 38 1922 From AUSTRALIA
954 Trick Card Trickery English Britland, David 16 1978 Supreme Magic Co.
955 The Card Magic of David Britland and Marc Russel English Britland, David 30 0 CARDOPOLIS
956 DECKADE English Britland, David 20 0 Martin Breese Publishing, London
957 Kursus i Kortmagi Danish Broge-Stark, Hans 18 1974 Hans Broge-Stark 2 xpl.
958 A Lifetime of Joy English Brooke, Ken 16 1982 Jeff Busby Magic inc, USA
959 Lecture Notes English Buckingham, Geoffrey 19 0 Geoffrey Buckingham
960 Breaking Bones (the neck cracker) English Burgoon, Tom 21 1995 Tom Burgoon
961 E.S.P Remote Viewing English Burke, Eddie 13 0 Mr "E" Enterprises Trix describtion without cards
962 Club and Cabaret Mentalism English Bruke, Eddie 26 1970 Magictrix House of magic
963 Illutions numre Danish Brønniche, Emil 16 1945 Emil Brønniches Forlag 3 xpl
964 Trylleri til Scene og Selskabsbrug Danish Brønniche, Emil 15 1947 Emil Brønniches Forlag 2 xpl
965 Matematisk Magi Danish Brønniche, Emil 63 0 Rovtryk
966 Børnenes Legebog Danish Tante Gallie 32 0
title language author(s) pages year publisher edition comment Magicpedia Title MB Link Category magicref link Magicpedia Author Photo

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Magisk Cirkel Danmarks biblioteks adresse er:

“Et hemmeligt sted i Vanløse”.

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Kontakt person er:

Mikkel Falbe

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2720 Vanløse

Tlf. :+45 3021 0500

E-mail: Mi****@fa********.dk

MCD bibliotek

wdt_ID title language author(s) pages year publisher edition comment Magicpedia Title MB Link Category magicref link Magicpedia Author Photo
1 Behind the Scenes With The Mediums English Abbott, David Phelps (1863 - 1934) 336 1907 Open Court Publishing Company 2nd edition (1908 MENTALISM and BIZARRE MAGICK
2 Behind the Scenes With The Mediums English Abbott, David Phelps (1863 - 1934) 340 1907 Open Court Publishing Company 5th revised edition (1926) MENTALISM and BIZARRE MAGICK
3 A lifetime in magic English Abbott, Percy (1886-1960) 132 1960
4 Easy-to-do Entertainments and Diversions with coins, cards, string, paper and matches (1933) English Abraham, R. M. 186 1961 Dover Publications, Inc.
5 The Joey Adams Joke Dictionary English Adams, Joey 343 1961 The Citadel Press 2nd printing (1962)
6 Die Kunst zu Zaubern German Adrion, Alexander 284 1978 DuMont Buchverlag
7 Zauberei Zauberei German Adrion, Alexander 168 1968 Walter-Verlag Includes text by: Böll, Heinrich
8 Vi tryller med Alakazam Danish Alakazam, Henri 28 1974 Lademann
9 Novel concepts with cards English Aldini (Alex Weiner 1917-1989) 46 1970 Micky Hades 1st edition
10 Den store Troldmand eller Taskenspillerens Triumf Danish Alexander, N. 56 1883 Jul. Strandbergs Forlag
11 Magic Digest - Fun Magic for Everyone English Anderson, George B. (c1909-1985) 288 1972 Digest Books Softbound
12 Karten-Magie German Andra, Rolf 67 1956 Joe Wildon CARDS
13 Magic Squares and Cubes English Andrew, W. S. 419 1960 Dover Publications, Inc. 2nd edition
14 Goodnight Mr. Dante English Andrews, Val (b.1926) 111 1978 Goodliffe UK HISTORY AND THEORY
15 Murray English Andrews, Val (b.1926) 88 1974 Goodliffe UK
16 Andrus Deals You In English Andrus, Jerry 191 1956 Star Magic Co. Signeret af forfatteren CARDS
17 Kurius Kards English Andrus, Jerry 53 1973 J A Enterprises CARDS
18 Annemann's Miracles of Card Magic English Annemann, John Theodore (1907-1942) 109 1979 Tannen Publications
19 Annemann´s Mental Bargain Effects (1935) Annemann´s Mental Mysteries (1944) Annemann´s Complete One Man Mental and Psychic Routine (1935) En Rapport (1937) The Incorporated Strange Secrets (1939) Sh-h-h-h--! It's a Secret (1934) Card Miracles (1944) Full English Annemann, John Theodore (1907-1942) 0 0 Div. Div. Div.
20 Annemann´s Practical Mental Effects English Annemann, John Theodore (1907-1942) 341 1944 Holden's Magic Shops 2nd printing (1946) MENTALISM and BIZARRE MAGICK
21 Annemann´s Practical Mental Effects English Annemann, John Theodore (1907-1942) 310 1944 Louis Tannen's Magic Shop 1963 MENTALISM and BIZARRE MAGICK
22 The Book without a Name English Annemann, John Theodore (1907-1942) 62 1931 Max Holden 1st edition MENTALISM and BIZARRE MAGICK
23 Arrowsmith's Assorted Mysteries English Arrowsmith, George Ernest (1887-1978) 43 The Supreme Magic Co.
24 Oriental Conjuring and Magic English Ayling, Will 384 1981 The Supreme Magic Co. From an index by S. H. Sharpe
25 Magischer Zeitvertrieb German Backhaus, Willy 186 1908 Verlag Kosmos
26 One man show English Bagley, WM. A. 96 1945 Vawser & Wiles
27 One man show English Bagley, WM. A. 96 1945 Vawser & Wiles
28 Novel mysteries 1-6 English Bagshawe, Edward (1902-1940) 236 Davenport & Co UK
29 Twenty Magical Novelties English Bagshawe, Edward (1902-1940) 80 1930 Edward Bagshawe & Co.
30 Idé Boken - Penger å tjene Norwegian Bai, Kurt 76 1967 A/S Kurt Bai Forlag 2nd printing
31 Kurt Bai's hjemme studie kurs i Trylleri og Magisk Kunst, leksjon 1-12 Norwegian Bai, Kurt
32 Spå i Kort Danish Bak, Jette 69 1985 Nordiske Landes Bogforlag
33 Al Baker´s Pet Secrets English Baker, Al (1874-1951) 111 1951 George Stark 1st limited edition 391/500 Inscribed by Baker GENERAL MAGIC
34 Al Baker´s Pet Secrets English Baker, Al (1874-1951) 111 1951 Carl W. Jones 2nd edition (1951) GENERAL MAGIC
35 Magical Ways and Means English Baker, Al (1874-1951) 135 1941 Carl W. Jones 2nd edition (1946) GENERAL MAGIC
36 Mental Magic English Baker, Al (1874-1951) 116 1949 Carl W. Jones 1st edition MENTALISM and BIZARRE MAGICK
37 Mental Magic English Baker, Al (1874-1951) 116 1949 Carl W. Jones 3rd edition MENTALISM and BIZARRE MAGICK
38 Okito on magic English Bamberg, Theodore 216 1952 Edward O. Drane & Co. Magic, Inc. (1973)
39 Six Impossible Things English Bannon john 64 2009 Bannon
40 Bennett's Best English Bennett, Horace 115 1975 Jerry Mentzer
41 Familiar Themes (More Alternate Handlings) English Bennett, Horace 111 1984 Magic Methods
42 On Your Feet English Bennett, Horace 84 1978 Jerry Mentzer
43 Willard the Wizard English Bergeron, Bev 154 1978 Lake Cane Publications
44 A new Book of Patience Games English Bergholt, Ernest 119 1914 George Routledge and Sons 7th impression
45 Magiska Boken Swedish Bergöö, Bengt (b.1927) 112 1954 Birgins Förlag SWE
46 44 trylletricks Danish Berthelsen, Herman 96 1977 Aschehoug Dansk Forlag Dansk udgave (1985) På dansk ved Paul Arland
47 Skjeggete damer og siamesiske tvillinger - Fra Tivoli til "Big Brother" Swedish Berthelsen, Herman 176 2002 J. W. Cappelens Forlag
48 A Pictorial History of Magic and the Supernatural (1964) English Bessy, Maurice 317 1963 Spring Books Original title Historie en 1000 images de la magie (1961)
49 I Skyggernes Verden Danish Bessy, Maurice 317 1967 Forlaget Skrifola Original title Historie en 1000 images de la magie (1961)
50 Handlexikon der magischen Künste German Biedermann, Hans 432 1968 Akademische Druck